NASA innovation funding is subject to an "ideological litmus test" by the Biden-Harris administration, according to scientists.

National security is being jeopardized by the Biden-Harris administration's policies, according to academics.

NASA innovation funding is subject to an "ideological litmus test" by the Biden-Harris administration, according to scientists.
NASA innovation funding is subject to an "ideological litmus test" by the Biden-Harris administration, according to scientists.

The Biden-Harris administration is prioritizing funding at NASA to drive research in STEMM fields by implementing "diversity statements" and equity requirements, which some academics view as a "politicized litmus test."

The Biden-Harris administration made it clear from the start that it intended to reform every agency with the goal of promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). To achieve this, the administration established DEI offices to enforce its policies on a regular basis.

Academics who spoke to Planet Chronicle Digital stated that the DEI mission not only influenced training, internal policies, and hiring but also affected how federal agencies funded and advanced scientific research. They added that the DEI mandates pose a risk to national security by diminishing America's competitive edge against adversaries.

"Princeton professor Robert George stated on Planet Chronicle Digital that the DEI agenda is corrupt and corrupting, and it arrived suddenly."

Biden Department of Defense STEMM funding Kamala Harris
Biden conditions NASA innovation funding on "corrupt" diversity statements.   (Planet Chronicle Digital-Hannah Grossman | Getty)

"If we cannot defend ourselves and deter aggression from adversaries, we will be severely harmed. Our people will suffer greatly."

NASA's Amanda L. Nahm, a program officer in the Planetary Science Division, stated that proposals without the "inclusion" agenda will not be considered as they are "non-compliant."

She stated that while filling out a statement of refusal may not be reviewed well, it would not impact the scientist's qualifications for receiving funding.

Inclusion plans aim to increase awareness of obstacles to establishing and maintaining positive, inclusive work environments and encourage proposers to consider implementing inclusive practices for their research teams, according to Nahm.

NASA inclusion statements
NASA scores inclusion plans required for scientific research proposals, but claims the DEI-inspired statements scientists submits will not factor into funding decisions.  (Planet Chronicle Digital-Hannah Grossman | NASA)

The Science Mission Directorate (SMD) values diversity and inclusion, as stated in a slidedeck reviewed by Planet Chronicle Digital.

The investigation team must work to minimize these barriers, as per the DEI-inspired statements.

It is suggested that the team be advised on the proposed activities by diversity consultants, and it is recommended that they be compensated fairly.

Anna Krylovat, a renowned chemist from the University of Southern California, stated to Planet Chronicle Digital that the ongoing conflict is not a cultural war but a battle for our future. If we continue with this practice, the consequences will be dire for everyone.

Krylovat, a scientist from Soviet Russia, believes that the country's loss in the Cold War was due to politicizing science. He cites the example of researchers being required to join communist clubs and have "perfectly clean allegiance to the Communist Party" in order to receive funding and promotions.

Mission Equity NASA
NASA launched "Mission Equity" following Biden's day-one executive order. (Planet Chronicle Digital-Hannah Grossman)

"The consequences were that Russia ultimately lost the Cold War and is now an economic and technological backwater," she said. "Looking at the ineffective Soviet space program, it's mind-boggling. It was ineffective because things were not done by meritocracy."

In 2021, Biden issued an executive order titled "Equity and Excellence: A Vision to Transform and Enhance the U.S. STEMM Ecosystem," which aimed to fundamentally alter the way STEMM funding is allocated to ensure that "science and technology benefits all of America."

"The task requires focused effort and immediate attention, as stated in the announcement." "The country will take advantage of opportunities for transformation and create a more inclusive STEMM environment."

According to George and his colleagues, the executive order has led agencies such as the Department of Energy, NASA, and the National Institutes of Health to prioritize DEI agendas over the scientific merits of research. They claim that the agencies have been playing politics in determining the funding.

In July, a letter signed by professors George and Krylovat, along with other academics, was sent from the Academic Freedom Alliance, demanding an end to DEI screening tests.

NASA was contacted for comment and released a statement to Planet Chronicle Digital.

NASA values inclusion to access diverse people, talent, ideas, and resources for successful mission accomplishment, the agency stated.

NASA is introducing a required inclusion plan to promote positive and inclusive working environments on proposal teams and ensure the full participation and contribution of team members.

"Evaluation of inclusion plans against established criteria does not affect the assessment of a proposal's scientific merit or selection odds. Proposers may request funds for inclusion consultants, but this is not mandatory. Inclusion plans do not consider team diversity or demographic makeup, and such information is not evaluated if provided."

Starliner, a Boeing creation as part of its private-public partnership with NASA, takes off on June 5, 2024, for the first time with a manned crew.
Starliner, a Boeing creation as part of its private-public partnership with NASA, takes off on June 5, 2024, for the first time with a manned crew.  (NASA/YouTube)

Krylov stated that researchers at the Department of Energy must reveal how their scientific research contributes to DEI advancement.

Senior investigators feel they are expected to prioritize equity, specifically race, gender, and sexual orientation, rather than solely recruiting the best and brightest, according to her.

Dr. Jeffrey S. Flier, the former dean of Harvard Medical School, has criticized "diversity statements" in July, stating that they are an "implicit expectation of expressed allegiance to a politicized litmus test that is, in effect, compelled speech on a controversial issue in violation of academic freedom."

""Promoting ideological and politicized goals based on racial and sexual identity is not morally justified or legal under existing civil rights employment law, as DEI has gradually morphed into this approach," he stated."

Biden Harris science funding STEMM DEI
The federal government has been accused of prioritizing DEI over scientific advancement.  (Planet Chronicle Digital-Hannah Grossman)

Biden's mandate aimed to promote racial equity at every agency, which has been criticized for weakening America's competitive edge. For instance, a review of the Department of Defense's 2022-2023 DEI strategic plan reveals its commitment to ensuring "equality" among its vendors.

"The Department of Defense (DoD) will ensure that its external relationships with vendors and community partners are fair and equitable for all groups, to the extent permitted by law. To achieve this, the DoD will employ various mechanisms, including procurement structures and programs, to enhance the representation of underrepresented communities in the Department's external activities, to the extent permitted by law."

by Hannah Grossman


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