A school district DEI trainer claims that the American flag is becoming a symbol of hate, and employees who resist critical race theory should be terminated.

The teacher who underwent DEI training exclaimed, "This is insane," regarding the messaging.

A school district DEI trainer claims that the American flag is becoming a symbol of hate, and employees who resist critical race theory should be terminated.
A school district DEI trainer claims that the American flag is becoming a symbol of hate, and employees who resist critical race theory should be terminated.

A diversity, equity and inclusion trainer who trains public education employees on critical race theory has stated in her published work that "resistant" employees who disagree with the concepts should be fired.

Dr. Nancy Dome, CEO of Epoch Education, labeled employees who reject the principles of Critical Race Theory (CRT), including the concept of "White privilege," as a "toxic influence on culture and climate." In contrast, the DEI firm's YouTube videos promote CRT's teachings and emphasize that colorblindness is insufficient.

"What happens when you encounter someone who is resistant and doesn't believe in White privilege or inequity? Dome suggested engaging in "compassionate dialogue" in her 2022 book, "Let's Talk About Race," as a "cleaner way of interacting.""

"If someone persists in resisting that culture or climate despite repeated interruptions, it indicates they do not fit in," Dome stated.

If the other person in a conversation refuses to reciprocate the same level of compassion, then sometimes that relationship is not worth the effort. Divorce can be a form of repair if all attempts have been made but the relationship cannot progress. If a team member is unwilling to adjust, then the repair may involve removing them from the team or organization.

Dr. nancy Dome epoch Education
Dr. Nancy Dome is the CEO of Epoch Education and has openly spread critical race theory in the U.S. education system.  (Planet Chronicle Digital)

Epoch claims to be a prominent "national leader" in DEI and states that at least five public school districts, with student populations ranging from nearly 40,000 to over 70,000 each, have hired the firm to implement an equity agenda. The U.S. Department of Education, which did not respond to a request for comment, is also listed as a client.

The company's YouTube channel features a variety of videos that explain the principles of CRT and how it relates to diversity training.

All political, economic, and social domains, including schools, are impacted by racist hierarchical structures, as stated in a September 2020 video.

Dome stated in a video on Epoch's Vimeo account that she believed the American flag was being used as a symbol of "hate" and "extremism." The video was later made private after Planet Chronicle requested a comment.

White privilege critical race theory
A person holding an "I am white and privileged" banner at a gay pride event (Adobe Stock)

Dome utilizes a "color line" exercise in her diversity training to promote the desired culture. During this activity, employees are given scores ranging from 0 to 125, with 0 representing the highest level of oppression and 125 indicating the greatest level of privilege.

Participants receive scores based on their responses to race-related prompts during the exercise.

"I can choose to spend most of my time with people of my race," and "I can guarantee that my children will receive educational materials that acknowledge their race," were the examples given in the prompts.

According to Dome, white women typically score around 100 due to their benefaction of white privilege, while white men are in the highest category of privilege.

Dr. Nancy Dome Epoch Education
Dr. Nancy Dome discusses what should be done with people who resist the change in culture.  (Planet Chronicle Digital)

The color line is formed when participants line up in the room according to their scores, with the darkest individuals positioned near zero.

"Through perspective and understanding, the exercise aids in healing people," she stated.

The "color line" idea originated from an article titled "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack," which asserted that White women are perceived as oppressive and possess unearned skin privilege.

The article stated that many, if not most, of the White students in the U.S. believe that racism does not affect them because they are not people of color and do not perceive "Whiteness" as a racial identity.

white privilege critical race theory
Dome referenced an article that lamented that White students are not taught in schools to see themselves as "an oppressor," a "participant in a damaged culture" and "unfairly advantaged." (Planet Chronicle Digital)

Isaac Newman, a California teacher who completed the Epoch training at Elk Grove Unified School District, told Planet Chronicle Digital that the messaging was "crazy."

"I reached a point where I thought, 'This is insane. I'm not taking any more of these trainings,'" he said. "When I asked the district, 'What happens if I don't take the trainings?' they refused to provide me with the consequences. They only stated that they are mandatory."

"In these DEI trainings, they call out colorblindness and meritocracy, Newman said. If you're dedicated to that, you'll have division and mediocrity."

The September 2020 CRT video by Epoch Education stated that "many liberal ideologies, such as color-blindness and incremental change, are inadequate to address the harmful effects of racism."

According to an article she posted on LinkedIn in June 2023, Dome does not aim for equality in the short-term, but instead seeks to provide different advantages to individuals based on their group membership.

She considered equality a lofty ideal that she had been hearing about since elementary school, but preferred equity, which is the idea that everyone should receive what they need, regardless of what others receive.

Dome stated that people who believe they are not being treated fairly in the name of equity are correct. However, he emphasized that this is not the main objective. Instead, equity aims to provide everyone with what they need to succeed.

Isaac Newman teacher Elk Grove School District
Isaac Newman, a teacher in the Isaac Newman, a teacher in the Elk Grove School District, who opposes critical race theory in diversity trainings.  (Planet Chronicle Digital | The Fairness Center)

She stated that others' success should not affect others because "we are all interconnected," and "my success is your success." She emphasized that a lack of equity would result in theft.

"Remember that we are all connected. If you understand that my success is your success, and vice versa, you are much more likely to give me what I need," she said.

If you're hungry and living in my community, there's a high chance that you may resort to stealing to survive. However, if I have enough food and ensure that you have everything you need, I won't have to worry about you harming me or stealing from me. In fact, the better off we both are, the better off we all are.

Another LinkedIn article from 2019 suggests that she believes building "equity intelligence" involves constantly scanning environments for oppressive conditions.

"Our Implicit Bias courses help participants recognize that they are constantly scanning their environments for safety and belonging, which can lead to specific anti-bias work and the development of Equity Intelligence."

Epoch Education, Nancy Dome, and the Elk Grove Unified School District did not respond to Planet Chronicle Digital's request for comment.

by Hannah Grossman


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