The priest's narrative of sacrifice and joy in the feature film 'Trinity's Triumph' is portrayed through the human side of it all.
A New Jersey priest's film centers on the struggles of three young seminarians.
To truly understand oneself, one must first understand God, as great theologians have stated in various ways.
God-understanding is essential for self-understanding, as stated by Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel.
The film follows three young seminarians on a journey to discover their purpose in life, with God holding the key to their success.
In "Trinity's Triumph," two of the seminarians are composite characters, representing the diversity of personalities in seminary. However, one is not.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish in Wyckoff, New Jersey, is led by Father Stephen Fichter, who is represented by Father Joe as his avatar.
He wrote the screenplay based on his journey to ordination, and he developed the story.
A priest wrote the first movie about priests.
Fichter stated that he strongly believed that God was calling more young people to serve him in the priesthood.
He stated his desire to create a film that would appeal to the contemporary audience.
"He said, 'I see what you're trying to do. I think it's wonderful.'"
Shia LaBeouf's Catholic conversion has garnered significant media attention, demonstrating the allure of film in attracting a younger audience.
Fichter's film was a 25-year journey that began while he was studying in Rome. He discussed his sojourn on a recent episode of "Lighthouse Faith" podcast.
"The title of the original story was "Daring to Be Different," which followed the journey of a young man as he tried to answer God's call and be generous in the sacrifices he had to make."
During his travels, Fichter received exceptional assistance. In Rome, a friend of his presented his amateur screenplay to renowned Italian director Franco Zeffirelli.
Fichter thought, "Why not give it a try?" and he loved it!
Fichter invited Zeffirelli to his villa on the outskirts of Rome, where they spent a Sunday afternoon. Zeffirelli had a great idea, and Fichter was delighted with it.
Fichter was mentored by Zeffirelli, who passed away in 2019 at the age of 96, and suggested a significant alteration to the narrative.
He believed that a movie about three young men would be more compelling than just one seminarian's journey.
While serving as pastor of Sacred Heart parish in Haworth, New Jersey, Fichter assisted a parishioner in finding a Scripture to include in a story, before the advent of online search engines.
It was discovered that the churchgoer was none other than the renowned author Mary Higgins Clark, the highest-paid female novelist.
She wrote 51 bestselling books before her death in 2020.
Fichter stated, "Upon first encountering her, I was unaware of her identity. She attended daily Mass during Lent, simply another worshipper among the congregation."
Fichter was able to cross that hurdle of "Is this good enough?" and then had to deal with the difficulty of getting it produced.
Higgins Clark also helped shape the screenplay and gave it little more personality.
The sexual abuse crisis in Boston, which has since become a global issue, was advised to be confronted by those working on it, as suggested by both her and others.
Fichter successfully overcame the challenge of determining if the product was satisfactory, but then faced the obstacle of producing it.
He said to "Lighthouse Faith," "After receiving affirmation, approval, support, and encouragement from two exceptional storytellers, I decided to create something."
To secure a talented actor for your lead role, potential artists typically inquire about the director. To attract a skilled director, one must first identify the lead actor. Financing is often contingent upon the identification of both the actor and director.
This merry-go-round can be endless.
Fichter was fortunate to have friends who were willing to invest in his project, despite its low budget of only half a million dollars.
He secured A-list actor Joe Morton to portray the lead character, Monsignor Heck, who is the central figure in the film.
The seminary professor, who is a veteran, challenges his students to go beyond just knowing about God and to truly experience God.
The seminarian's superior intellect and theological knowledge made him stand out among his classmates, but his failings came from ignoring the longings of his heart, thinking that knowledge about God would protect him from temptation.
It is Heck who must deal with the fallout of an abusive priest.
It is Heck who must deal with the fallout of an abusive priest.
The young priest is struggling to understand why the Catholic Church doesn't allow them to marry and have children, as is permitted in the Eastern rite or Orthodox churches.
In the end, it is Heck who inspires the audience to have honor and respect for the priesthood, something that Hollywood hasn't achieved since the time of Bing Crosby's portrayal of Father O'Malley in "The Bells of St. Mary" in 1945.
Fichter explains that the movie aims to reveal the human aspect of the priesthood. While it is indeed a divine calling, the church and the individual must discern it together. The film portrays the sacrifices made by priests, such as being celibate and experiencing loneliness.
Each found that God's grace, truth and mercy would always be their strength.
Experiencing God is often through emotional moments such as weeping at night or falling to one's knees due to life's struggles.
As your human strength wanes, it is only then that you realize the true value of the God who brought you into existence.
A priest is taught this; a good priest embodies it in their daily life.
In "Trinity's Triumph," only one seminarian, Father Joe (Fichter), remains a priest after the others drop out or leave before being ordained.
Despite facing challenges, they ultimately triumphed because their pursuit of their "highest of callings" gave them the strength of God's grace, truth, and mercy.
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