Passengers on an airplane were upset when a woman with a baby on her lap refused to move to a designated seat.

Another passenger was upset when a 'plus-size' woman with a baby switched seats on the plane.

Passengers on an airplane were upset when a woman with a baby on her lap refused to move to a designated seat.
Passengers on an airplane were upset when a woman with a baby on her lap refused to move to a designated seat.

Another woman tried to shame a woman for traveling with an infant who made some noise and switching seats on an airplane, prompting the woman to share her recent airplane drama on social media.

The woman, who is 31 years old and traveling alone with a 19-month-old son on a three-hour flight, stated that her child, who was "under two years old," had to sit on her lap.

The woman on the "AITA" Reddit page wrote that she had a large backpack with all the necessary items that she kept on the floor for easy access.

"Traveling alone with a young child can result in quick crowds, but it's just the way it is."

During her tenure, the woman expressed that she was assigned seat 12C at checkup and sat next to an empty seat. While she appreciates having an empty seat next to her for a better flight experience, it's not something she expects or requests.

Which seat do you prefer?
A woman on Reddit shared her recent airline drama, noting, "A flight attendant came to me and offered to move us three rows up … because there were two seats available, and they usually try to accommodate people with young infants." (iStock)

Before take off, a flight attendant offered to move us three rows up because there were two available seats, and they usually accommodate people with young infants.

The flight attendant assisted the mother, who goes by the username "Aggravating-Worth643" on Reddit, in moving her belongings and informed the other passengers in the same row about the situation.

"She started complaining to the flight attendant that she was planning to sleep on the flight, and that it would be impossible now."

This did not go over well, apparently.

"The mother wrote that the passenger was not happy at all. She started to complain to the flight attendant that she had planned to sleep on the flight, but now it would be impossible due to the seat being occupied. The passenger had chosen this seat specifically while booking online because it was empty, but now it would be a nightmare."

The flight attendant explained that both seats (old and new) were standard, that the woman only paid for her own seat, and that the airline's policy is to accommodate young parents if possible.

Airplane Taking Off with sunrise behind it
"I just ignored her all the way, as if she didn't speak at all," wrote the mother on Reddit about her recent airplane situation. "That got her even more angry, but she finally stopped complaining after a while." (iStock)

The woman told me that I should feel ashamed for disturbing others on their flight with my noise, even though it wasn't my seat and I didn't pay for it.

The mother admitted, "I'm not skilled in confrontation. I tend to either cry or apologize, so I ignored her entirely. This enraged her further, but she eventually ceased her complaints after some time."

"It's true that I didn't pay for that seat, and that it wasn't my originally assigned seat."

"Although my son cried once and I received some rude comments, the flight was more comfortable for us overall, so I don't regret switching seats."

I can't help but wonder if I'm the jerk. Although I didn't pay for that seat and it wasn't my original assignment.

During takeoff and landing, her bag was under the seat. However, it was on the floor the rest of the time for easy access.

The flight attendant required my son to remain on my lap the entire flight, and the extra seat provided merely additional space to avoid feeling cramped and bumping elbows.

She added a clarification, stating that while she is overweight, it is not to an extreme degree, and she has not yet completely lost all her pregnancy weight.

She also noted that she is from Europe.

The flight attendant insisted on having her son in her lap, stating that they aren't allowed to bring car seats with them and they go with luggage.

"The other woman was never guaranteed those 2 seats would stay empty — they were just empty at the time of her booking."

The woman explained to others that she couldn't purchase an additional seat for extra space because her son was not yet allowed to sit there.

In less than 24 hours, over 1,000 people posted comments about the issue on Planet Chronicle Digital, while others weighed in with their reactions.

airline seats
"Sounds like [the] other passenger was an unpleasant person, which isn't your fault," wrote one commenter about the drama. "If another mother with a young child did pay for the seats near her, I'd almost guarantee she would have complained still." (iStock)

One of the top commenters on the post wrote that the other with the baby did nothing wrong, earning 11,000 "upvotes" for this response.

"The top commenter wrote that you paid for a seat and the airline accommodated you, while the other passenger only paid for her seat and not the entire row."

The other passenger was unpleasant, which isn't your fault. If another mother with a young child had paid for the seats near her, she would have complained regardless.

"It was a 3-hour flight. Not a trip to New Zealand from New York. She'll get over it."

Another commenter agreed that the mother on Reddit did nothing wrong.

"At the time of her booking, the other woman had no assurance that the two seats would remain vacant."

The complaining passenger's flight was only 3 hours long, not a trip from New York to New Zealand. She'll get over it.

Some people disagreed with the mother's perceived demeanor and actions.

"A writer remarked that you are a plus-size woman with a toddler and a large bag in front of you, which makes it difficult for others in your row to access. Your behavior is inconsiderate, and blocking the exit during an emergency can be dangerous."

You can purchase a seat for your toddler, but you won't because it's too expensive. Instead of hoping to get an extra seat for free, you should travel with luggage that fits under the seat or in the space above you.

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by Maureen Mackey


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