Missouri Jesuit Reveals the "Big Picture" on Following God's Law

A priest explains that two Bible verses do not necessarily contradict each other.

Missouri Jesuit Reveals the "Big Picture" on Following God's Law
Missouri Jesuit Reveals the "Big Picture" on Following God's Law

Pay close attention, for this is your wisdom and discernment among the nations, who will hear of your laws and say, "This great nation is truly wise and discerning." (Deuteronomy 4:6)

The Pharisees and scribes questioned Jesus, "Why do your disciples not follow the tradition of the elders by washing their hands before eating?" Jesus replied, "Isaiah prophesied about you hypocrites, as it is written: 'This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; In vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines human precepts.' You disregard God's commandment but cling to human tradition."

The two verses to be read in Catholic churches worldwide on the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time focus on the application of God's law.

Fr. David Paternostro, SJ, told Planet Chronicle Digital that on the surface, it appears that they have a contradiction.

A Jesuit priest named Paternostro is pursuing a PhD in philosophy at Saint Louis University.

In the first verse of Deuteronomy, Moses imparts the laws to the Israelites and advises them to "observe them carefully, for this is your wisdom," as Paternostro stated.

Split image of Fr. David Paternostro, a brunette man wearing a roman collar, and a Bible opened to a page.
Fr. David Paternostro, SJ, a Jesuit priest, told Planet Chronicle Digital that an apparent "contradiction" present in the Old and New Testament is not what it seems.   (Fr. Chris Schroeder; iStock)

In Mark's Gospel, Jesus rebukes the Pharisees for not following the laws on handwashing and says their hearts are far from God.

According to Paternostro, these two methods of observing God's law may seem contradictory at first glance.

Paternostro stated that the solution to this "contradiction" lies in considering the "real problem" discussed in Mark.

Jesus did not object to the Pharisees following God's laws excessively, but rather to their not following them enough, he pointed out.

Jesus did not instruct the Pharisees to disregard those rules but instead asked, "Why did you limit your adherence to only those rules?"

Vintage engraving of Pharisees and Sadducees come to tempt Jesus, by James Tissot
Jesus, said Fr. Paternostro, criticized the Pharisees not for how they followed the law, but for what parts of the law they followed.  (iStock)

"Paternostro stated that the issue is not that the Pharisees pay too much attention to rules, but rather too little. Jesus criticizes them by emphasizing the importance of not only washing their hands and cookware, but also cleansing their hearts."

"The rebuke of the Pharisees by Jesus is perfectly understandable in the context of Moses' message to the Israelites in Deuteronomy," he stated.

Paternostro stated that Moses had promised that those who "observe God's law faithfully" would be "a testament to the world of their wisdom."

"God's law will make the Israelites wise."

"A wise person is someone who can see the overall perspective and how all parts fit into it," Paternostro stated.

Moses and the 10 Commandments.
Moses, Paternostro noted, told the Israelites that following God's law would be "evidence to the world of their wisdom."  (iStock)

"If the Israelites prioritize everything in the law, they will have a comprehensive understanding of their responsibilities," he stated.

"As the Pharisees did not consider the whole picture, they could not be truly wise," he stated.

To avoid the mistake of the Pharisees, Christians must prioritize caring for the entire community.

"As Jesus reminds us, we cannot just be concerned with external realities, but worry about interior realities as well."

"Jesus urged us to not only focus on external matters but also to pay attention to our inner selves. We must prioritize our hearts just as much as we do the outside world," he stated.

It can be difficult to accept our own lovability and self-care when we witness how others love and care for us.

Man praying with hands in bible
"We must care about our hearts as much as anything else," said a Catholic priest.  (iStock)

To truly care for their whole selves, individuals should reflect on how God has cared for them throughout their lives, he emphasized.

How have God's sacraments impacted your heart and senses? How has God met your physical and spiritual needs?

Paternostro stated that God cares about every part of you and finds every part of you lovable.

"May the vastness of God's love for all of you motivate you to love all of yourself completely," he stated.

"The greater your love and care aligns with God's, the more you can comprehend and adhere to all of God's commandments and become truly wise."

by Christine Rousselle


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