In 2024, a Washington pastor, husband, and father shares 24 lessons he's learned.

'We are built for connection, not solitude,' and deeper reflections on life.

In 2024, a Washington pastor, husband, and father shares 24 lessons he's learned.
In 2024, a Washington pastor, husband, and father shares 24 lessons he's learned.

A Washington-based pastor, husband, and father is reflecting on 24 things he has learned in life during the summer of 2024.

"He shared his insights with Planet Chronicle Digital, explaining how they have influenced him. He hopes that others will be inspired and motivated to live with purpose and passion as a result."

Bradley, a professional soccer player, tragically ended his sports career due to a serious medical issue linked to medication he took while competing overseas.

"For one year, I struggled for my life. It took me a decade to fully recover. The lessons I gained during that difficult time were invaluable, even though I never intended to go through it and couldn't have done it alone."

We must reject the narrative of hopelessness because we are made to receive and give hope daily, and the best is yet to come.

split, Jesse Bradley and cross
Jesse Bradley is pastor of Grace Community Church outside Seattle, Washington. He and his wife are the parents of four children. "These insights," he said, "have shaped me," he told Planet Chronicle Digital.  (Pastor Jesse Bradley/iStock)

Bradley is a pastor at Grace Community Church in Seattle, has six children with his wife, and is the creator of the "Ignite Hope in 7 Days" series as well as a motivational speaker.

God is the only one who truly understands and loves us. Let this idea penetrate deeply.

Here are his 24 insights as shared with Planet Chronicle Digital.

Our hearts are not content until we drink deeply from the well of living water that Jesus offers. There is refreshment in God's presence.

2. Since God is faithful, we have an anchor for the soul in Jesus, which gives us hope with confidence and joy.

Cultivate daily habits that increase hope, reject hope thieves, and make room for God in your life through prayer, meditation, reading Scripture, giving, and forgiving.

4. Life is primarily about relationships. We are designed to be connected, not isolated. Love God and love people. Hope is relational.

Jesse Bradley family
Pastor Jesse Bradley is pictured with his wife and their four children. "The God of hope always overflows and never runs out," he says.  (Wayne Jackson)

God's love for people is boundless and unending, providing hope to all individuals regardless of their circumstances.

6. You may not discover hope until you relinquish it. God will encounter you at your lowest moment. Every day is a blessing, and we have the power to select hope and thankfulness.

"What you do is not who you are."

7. True hope is not a fleeting possibility or a wishful thinking. It is a definite and unwavering hope. God always fulfills His promises. Since Jesus conquered death, despair, and darkness, we approach today and the future with confidence in God.

8. Transition from a performance-based self-concept to a grace-based self-concept. Your actions do not define your true identity. The deepest sense of security comes from having peace with God through Jesus. Our ultimate identity is that we are forever members of God's family as His sons and daughters.

woman praying
"You will never regret seeking God and savoring time in His presence." (iStock)

Seeking God and savoring time in His presence is a better use of time and energy in a distracted culture.

10. Every day, listen to or read the Bible for spiritual nourishment. We often prioritize our physical needs over our spiritual ones. God's word has the power to change your life.

Understanding others through listening and asking questions can prevent unnecessary conflicts.

12. Don't just drive home and close the door. Find a way to bless your neighbors. Pray for them. Start a conversation. Meet one of their needs. Bring them a gift.

Pastor Jesse Bradley in a split with a parent praying with their child
"Pray before a game. Pray about school and work. Pray for other people together," said Pastor Bradley.  (Planet Chronicle/ iStock)

13. Maintain an eternal outlook. The difficulties you're facing will eventually subside. Our eternal dwelling place is in heaven. Share the truth of heaven and guide others to God.

14. Praying with family is a great habit, especially before meals. Pray together before bedtime, in the car, before a game, about school and work, and for other people. Remember and celebrate how God is answering your prayers.

"Buy a nice bed and sleep well. Listen to your body and don’t ignore symptoms when something is not working."

15. Prioritize your health by eating nutritious food, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. Take care of your body and don't take your health for granted.

happy family with flag
"Enjoy exercise. Go on vacation. Establish healthy routines." (iStock)

16. Let go of all grudges and resentment. Trust God to handle justice and the final say. Forgiveness is a choice, but healing takes time. Ensure that you have no grudges before going to bed at night.

17. At church, actively seek opportunities to serve and contribute to the community. Embrace a mindset of action and involvement, rather than consumption and passivity. Be proactive in making a positive impact and allow God to use your talents to make a difference.

"Take responsibility and own your stuff as you walk from the darkness into the light."

Recognize and reject any selfish, impure, inaccurate or fearful thoughts that arise, and intentionally choose to think about what is true, noble, right, and good.

19. We require God and one another. You will become like the individual you emulate. You will never encounter anyone superior to Jesus. He is God, without sin, faithful in all His vows. He sacrificed Himself for our transgressions, resurrected, and returned in splendor. If you have not yet made the choice, make it today to accept Him as your Lord and Savior. You will never regret it.

Boy clasping hands, saying prayers in first grade class at St. Gertrude's elementary school.
"Every child is a gift from God. Protect kids. Mentor a teenager … Connect at the deepest levels." (Steve Liss/Getty Images)

When you make a poor choice, admit your mistake and turn around. Repentance brings renewal. It's a complete reversal. Don't pretend it didn't happen. Don't make excuses. Don't shift the blame. Take ownership and own up to your actions as you move from the shadows into the light.

The best causes come with a high cost.

To effectively say "no" to opportunities that do not align with your purpose, it is important to know your calling. With a clear understanding of your purpose, you can run with all your heart and God's strength. God empowers us with a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind, so we can confidently pursue our passions.

23. Bless the next generation by protecting kids, mentoring teenagers, and taking care of orphans. Every child is a gift from God. When you come home from work, connect at the deepest levels and be the mom or dad you never had.

24. Embrace a gritty gratitude. Discover how to express thanks to God, even when you're not in the mood. Don't let problems control you. Trust that God is with you and always ahead of you. If you're feeling spiritually drained, make a list of 10 blessings and praise God for them all.

by Maureen Mackey


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