Americans require more in-person civil conversations with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

In an election year, the author advises following the example of Ben Franklin and practicing more listening and less outrage.

Americans require more in-person civil conversations with individuals from diverse backgrounds.
Americans require more in-person civil conversations with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

I recently wrote a book about comprehending America's history and present by adopting the lifestyle of the Founding Fathers.

We're discussing items such as candles, quill pens, and muskets.

In a new series of articles, I will share some of the life lessons I learned from the Founders. (Watch the video at the top of this article.)

My favorite Founding Father is Benjamin Franklin for many reasons.

He was a brilliant writer, political strategist, and inventor, notably known for creating swim fins.

Another reason I appreciate Franklin is his love for civil discourse.

A.J. Jacobs and Ben Franklin split image
In his new book, "The Year of Living Constitutionally," author A.J. Jacobs "tried to understand America’s past and present by living like the Founding Fathers did." One of the highlights: Ben Franklin's focus on civil discourse.  (A.J. Jacobs; Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

In early America, Franklin formed a social club called the Junto.

This group of men gathered every Friday to discuss ways to enhance themselves and their nation.

The goal was to promote questioning rather than arguing, as the rules discouraged a "spirit of inquiry" and a "fondness for dispute."

The rules encouraged a "spirit of inquiry" and discouraged a "fondness for dispute."

During my year of living constitutionally, I made an effort to uphold the Founders' vision of civil discourse.

I hosted 12 people at my home for a dinner party inspired by the 18th century.

We dined by candlelight. We savored beef stew infused with cloves (early Americans were fond of this spice).

We raised a glass to the Founding Fathers' sentiment: "To freedom from both mobs and kings."

The makeup of the guests was more important than the food and drink.

We had a wonderful discussion about the Constitution and America, with people from various political backgrounds, including conservatives, libertarians, moderates, and progressives, all invited.

United States Constitution
"We had a wonderful discussion. A civil, in-depth discussion about the Constitution and America," says Jacobs about his dinner party with "people from all over the political spectrum." (spxChrome)

We attempted to view the dinner as a collaborative effort rather than a contentious discussion.

We discussed our beliefs and attempted to understand the reasons behind them.

We discussed what evidence might change our minds or evolve our views.

"We need more of the spirit of inquiry."

We did not all agree on everything that night, but we were unanimous in our belief that Americans require more face-to-face civil conversations with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

I believe we need more of the spirit of inquiry.

We need more listening and fewer outraged posts on social media.

Ben Franklin advised against using "certainly" and "undoubtedly" when discussing politics or contentious topics.

Instead of using phrases such as "it appears to me," or "if I am not mistaken," or "I should think it so for such-and-such reasons," we can simply say "I believe" or "I think."

Book cover
"The Year of Living Constitutionally" is bestselling author A.J. Jacobs' newest book, published this year by Crown.  (Planet Chronicle Digital)

Alexander Hamilton had a similar view.

He advises against an "intolerant attitude" in politics, stating that "it is equally foolish to try to convert others through force and coercion, whether in religion or politics."

At the Constitutional Convention, Ben Franklin shared a humorous anecdote (the man relished his jokes).

"Engage in civil discourse with people from all walks of life."

One day, Franklin overheard a conversation between a French lady and her sister.

The lady observed that she had never met anyone else who was always right on every issue.

Franklin argued that we are all that French lady.

We all believe we have a monopoly on the truth.

A.J. Jacobs details his year of living 'constitutionally'

I know I feel that way most of the time.

I strive to follow the example set by the Founders and engage in respectful dialogue with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

One other piece of advice.

This election year, if you choose to host an 18th century-style dinner with your neighbors, I assure you.

It’s OK to clean up using a 21st-century dishwasher.

by A.J. Jacobs


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