A Texas pastor ponders the significance of Christian unity: 'Believing in Christ unites you with Him.'

'Our value and identity are rooted in the unchanging grace and love of God in Christ.'

A Texas pastor ponders the significance of Christian unity: 'Believing in Christ unites you with Him.'
A Texas pastor ponders the significance of Christian unity: 'Believing in Christ unites you with Him.'

"Our Lord Jesus Christ has been blessed by God and Father, who has bestowed upon us every spiritual blessing in the heavens" (Ephesians 1:3).

In his letter to the Ephesians, St. Paul exhorts Gentile Christians to embrace unity in Christ.

Johnston is the pastor of apologetics at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas and is also the president of the Christian Thinkers Society.

The message of unity in Ephesians became even more meaningful to him after experiencing two recent events - one in the ruins of Ephesus and the other at home in Texas.

Johnston, while teaching university students in the ancient ruins of Ephesus, emphasized how St. Paul's opening doxology to the Christians of Ephesus is encapsulated in two potent words: 'In Christ.'

Johnston was in Ephesus, in modern-day Turkey, with college students as part of the Impact 360 Institute, a nonprofit organization that equips young adults with a biblical worldview and leadership skills to impact their communities and the world.

Rev. Jeremiah Johnston, seen here teaching college students in the ruins of Ephesus, told Planet Chronicle Digital about the importance of the epistle's message of unity during a time of division.
Rev. Jeremiah Johnston, seen here teaching college students in the ruins of Ephesus, told Planet Chronicle Digital about the importance of the epistle's message of unity during a time of division. (Nathan Lewis/iStock)

The main theme of the initial section of Ephesians is emphasizing the importance of being united with Christ, according to Johnston, and the phrase "in Christ" appears "at least 11 times."

Johnston stated that during Paul's time, Ephesus had a population of 250,000 and was known for its Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

Johnston stated that Paul spent more time ministering in Ephesus than any other location and remained in the city for three years as his "base."

Johnston stated that while Ephesus was a significant city in early Christianity, it had a "detestable side," specifically referring to the slave market.

The Roman slave trade was headquartered in Ephesus for 200 years, from 100 BC to 100 AD, making it the largest slave market in the empire.

"People were divided by race, by free or slave status and by gender."

Johnston stated that the valuation of slaves based on their appearance, age, physique, education, skill-set, and the condition of their teeth is something that would be "horrifying" to anyone in the modern world.

According to Paul, his era was characterized by division, with individuals being split based on race, free or slave status, and gender.

The message of unity "in Christ" was desperately required by both the Christians in Ephesus and Christians today, according to him.

Ruins of the ancient city of Ephesus.
Ephesus was a major city in Paul's time, Johnston said, with a population of 250,000, a massive temple and a slave market.   (Nathan Lewis)

According to Johnston, being "in Christ" means that believers experience the same triumphs as Christ in His resurrection.

He stated that as a Christian, he embodies all that Jesus is and all that Jesus has.

"In this passage, it is stated that when you believe in Christ, you are joined to Him in an unbreakable bond. You are linked to Him, and in fact, you become one with Christ."

Johnston stated that most in the region would not have accepted Paul's message that Christians are united in their identity "in Christ."

Johnston stated that Paul's use of the identifier 'in Christ' 73 times in his epistles was a response to many people thinking his ideas were laughable.

Three crosses on top of a mountain with the sunset in the background
"When you believe in Christ, you are connected to Him in an unbreakable bond," Johnston said. "You are united to Him; indeed, you become one with Christ." (iStock)

The identity of the Christian being "in Christ" is the most crucial truth, yet it is often overlooked by contemporary believers, according to Johnston.

"Paul imparted to the Ephesians that all individuals were not only created in the likeness of God, but that they could also be spiritually connected to Christ through grace via faith," he stated.

Johnston baptized his triplet sons on their 8th birthday last week, an experience he described as "profoundly sacred." This further emphasized the importance and significance of being united "in Christ."

"Some of the most important things we wish to express when contemplating baptism elude even our best words," he said. "This is why powerful symbols – ordinances – exist in the Church."

According to Johnston, baptism "elucidates what the most eloquent human expressions can only hint at: the profound eternal truth of forgiveness of sins and eternal life in the presence of Jesus and the redeemed family of God."

Jeremiah Johnston with his three boys, standing in a pool of green water. Everyone is smiling.
Johnston recently baptized his three triplet sons on their 8th birthday, he told Planet Chronicle Digital. (Jeremiah Johnston)

The Gospel truth is that we are eternally forgiven 'in Christ,' and the baptism of my boys represents the deeper truth that my children will be with Audrey and me forever.

"Thus, as we have trusted in Christ, we are part of the royal family of God," he stated. "My identity is primarily defined as being 'in Christ.'"

In contemporary society, it is crucial to be reminded of the fact that people often try to flee from reality, according to Johnston.

He emphasized that our worth and self-concept are rooted in the enduring mercy and affection of God through Jesus Christ.

"According to Johnston, when we as Christians contemplate our identity, we must primarily comprehend ourselves as individuals who are "in Christ," which signifies that we are "accepted, forgiven, forever loved, and eternally connected to our creator and savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.""

by Christine Rousselle


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