What are the reasons for my gums to bleed after brushing my teeth, and what actions should I take?

It is essential to maintain good dental health, and here are the reasons why you should visit a dentist if you experience these symptoms.

What are the reasons for my gums to bleed after brushing my teeth, and what actions should I take?
What are the reasons for my gums to bleed after brushing my teeth, and what actions should I take?

If your gums are bleeding after brushing your teeth, you may also experience other symptoms like tenderness and swelling.

It is crucial to take care of your oral health, especially if your gums are bleeding. You should discuss this with your dental professional.

Gums may become swollen and turn reddish before bleeding, according to Alice G. Boghosian, DDS, a consumer adviser and spokesperson for the American Dental Association. She practices at Hagopian & Boghosian Dentistry in Glenview, Illinois.

"If you find blood in the sink while brushing your teeth and it persists for over two weeks, it's advisable to see your dentist, as this could indicate a higher risk of gum disease."

Dental experts were interviewed by Planet Chronicle Digital on how to maintain oral health, safeguard your teeth and gums.

What causes bleeding gums?

There are many potential reasons for bleeding gums, medical experts say.

Woman brushing teeth
If your gums bleed after you brush your teeth, you should discuss this with your dental professional, experts advise.  (iStock)

Gingivitis, the initial stage of gum disease, can manifest as bleeding gums in certain instances, according to Sally J. Cram, DDS, a consumer adviser and spokesperson for the American Dental Association. She is a periodontist with a practice in Washington, D.C.

"Periodontal disease, which is another name for gum disease, is an infection that affects the gums and bone surrounding your teeth, and results from the accumulation of plaque."

Early symptoms of gum disease include red, swollen, and tender gums, as well as bad breath, said she.

Many women develop bleeding and swollen gums during puberty, pregnancy, menopause and during their monthly menstrual cycle.

During puberty, pregnancy, menopause, and menstrual cycles, many women experience swollen and bleeding gums.

Due to higher hormone levels, the gums become more sensitive to plaque and bacteria, she explained.

Dr. Cram explained that a new flossing routine could cause gums to bleed initially as they adjust to the cleaning between teeth.

"Within about a week, it disappears on its own," she stated.

dental exam
In addition to bleeding gums, if you have symptoms like bad breath or swollen, tender gums, and have experienced symptoms for longer than two weeks, it's best to visit your dentist or periodontist.  (iStock)

Lastly, brushing too hard or incorrectly may cause bleeding gums.

Dr. Cram advised that it is always prudent to seek the recommendation of your dentist and dental hygienist for the appropriate toothbrush and to receive guidance on how to use it correctly.

Some causes of dental problems are temporary and can be easily adjusted, such as adopting a new flossing routine or adjusting brushing habits.

If you have symptoms like bad breath or swollen, tender gums, and you have experienced symptoms for longer than two weeks, you should visit your dentist or periodontist, advised Dr. Cram.

What are other factors that can put patients at risk?

Gum disease risk may be increased by these issues, as stated by Dr. Boghosian with Hagopian & Boghosian.

  • Poor dental care
  • Genetics
  • Crooked teeth that are hard to keep clean
  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • The use of certain medications, such as steroids, anti-epilepsy drugs, cancer therapy drugs, calcium channel blockers, and oral contraceptives, can have negative effects on mental health.

Why should bleeding gums be brought up to a dentist?

Gum disease, an infection of the tissues surrounding and supporting teeth, may manifest as bleeding gums.

dental exam
"Bacteria in the mouth and gum disease have been implicated in higher risks of oral cancer — and although it is not very common, persistent red, bleeding gums can also be a sign of certain blood disorders such as leukemia."  (iStock)

Dr. Cram, a periodontist, stated that gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a significant reason for tooth loss in adults.

Additional warning signs of gum disease, she stated, include red, tender gums; gums that have begun to pull away from the teeth; persistent bad breath; permanent teeth that are loose or separating; any changes in the way your teeth fit together when you bite; or any changes in the fit of partial dentures.

Dr. Cram advised that if the symptoms persist for two weeks, it is recommended to visit either a dentist or a periodontist.

When can bleeding gums signify a more severe medical issue?

Research between systemic diseases and periodontal diseases is ongoing, said Dr. Cram.

Some studies suggest that severe gum disease may be linked to other health conditions such as diabetes or stroke, although a direct link has not been conclusively proven.

"Oral cancer risks may be higher due to bacteria in the mouth and gum disease, and while it is uncommon, persistent red and bleeding gums can indicate blood disorders such as leukemia."

Regular dental checkups and periodontal exams are advised.

Woman at dentist
"It's important to brush your teeth twice a day, clean between your teeth daily, eat a balanced diet, schedule regular dental visits and avoid smoking or chewing tobacco." (iStock)

What will a dentist do to evaluate?

Treatment of periodontitis can be non-surgical or surgical.

The type and progression of a disease determine the treatment methods, according to Boghosian at Hagopian & Boghosian.

What can people do at home?

Maintaining good oral hygiene at home is crucial in preventing periodontal disease from worsening or reoccurring.

Boghosian advised that brushing your teeth twice a day, cleaning between your teeth daily, eating a balanced diet, scheduling regular dental visits, and avoiding smoking or chewing tobacco are crucial in preventing periodontal disease.

For more Health articles, visit planetchronicle.net/health.

by Erica Lamberg


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