West Nile virus diagnosis for Anthony Fauci: Facts about the mosquito-borne disease

A spokesperson says that the former top infectious diseases official is expected to make a full recovery.

West Nile virus diagnosis for Anthony Fauci: Facts about the mosquito-borne disease
West Nile virus diagnosis for Anthony Fauci: Facts about the mosquito-borne disease

Earlier this month, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and former chief medical advisor to the president, was diagnosed with West Nile virus, according to a spokesperson for Fauci.

Dr. Fauci, the U.S.'s leading expert on infectious diseases and the face of the country's COVID-19 response in 2020, is currently recovering at home after spending six days in the hospital.

The spokesperson informed Planet Chronicle that he is expected to fully recover.

What to know about West Nile virus

According to the CDC, as of Aug. 20, there were 216 West Nile virus cases in the U.S. in 33 states.

Among those, 142 cases were neuroinvasive (severe).

The West Nile virus, which first arrived in the U.S. in 1999, is now the leading cause of mosquito-borne diseases in the country, as stated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Dr. Anthony Fauci
Dr. Anthony Fauci, formerly the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the chief medical advisor to the president, was diagnosed with West Nile virus earlier this month, according to a spokesperson for Fauci. (Getty Images)

The West Nile virus, a flavivirus related to yellow fever, dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis, and Zika virus, is transmitted by Culex mosquitoes that bite infected birds and then people and other animals, according to the CDC's website.

The virus is not transmitted through eating or handling infected animals or birds, nor is it spread through physical contact, coughing, or sneezing.

According to the CDC, approximately 80% of individuals who contract the virus will not exhibit any symptoms.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, West Nile virus and a mosquito.
In most cases, the West Nile virus — a flavivirus in the same family as yellow fever, dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis and the Zika virus — is spread when Culex mosquitoes bite infected birds and then bite people and other animals, per the CDC’s website. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images, main, E. Jason Wambsgans/Chicago Tribune/Tribune News Service via Getty Images, top right, NIH-NIAID/IMAGE POINT FR/BSIP/Universal Images Group via Getty Images, bottom right.)

Dr. Marc Siegel, a senior medical analyst for Planet Chronicle and clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center, previously stated that the virus causes a rash and other symptoms, including swollen lymph nodes, which other viruses in its class do not exhibit.

"The nervous system is affected by it in 1% of cases, and it is rarely fatal."

One out of every five individuals will experience a febrile illness characterized by a fever, body aches, headache, joint pain, diarrhea, rash, and/or vomiting.

Some individuals may experience persistent weakness and fatigue even months after recovering from the infection, while these symptoms typically subside on their own for most people.

West Nile affects the nervous system 1% of the time and is rarely fatal.

The CDC states that in rare cases, about one in every 150 infected people, the virus can cause serious conditions affecting the nervous system, such as encephalitis or meningitis.

A viral infection of the central nervous system can cause serious illness, resulting in symptoms such as headache, stiff neck, high fever, disorientation, vision loss, muscle weakness, convulsions, tremors, coma, or paralysis.

Approximately 10% of those with this aggressive type of the disease will result in fatalities.

The nervous system is affected only 1% of the time and is rarely fatal, according to statistics.

A sick person on a couch
Around one in five people will develop febrile illness, which is marked by a fever along with body aches, headache, joint pain, diarrhea, rash and/or vomiting. (iStock)

Those with medical conditions such as diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, kidney disease, immune disorders, and others over the age of 60 or those who have had organ transplants are at the highest risk of developing severe illness.

Siegel pointed out that the elderly can experience severe effects from the virus.

Diagnosis and treatment

Anyone who suspects they may have been infected with WNV should seek medical evaluation from a healthcare provider, according to the CDC.

A diagnosis of an infection can be made by examining symptoms, recent mosquito exposure, and testing blood or spinal fluid.

Typically, health care providers suggest treating symptoms with over-the-counter pain medications and ensuring adequate rest and hydration.

Those who experience severe illness may need to be hospitalized for supportive care.

Preventing the virus

There is currently no vaccine for West Nile virus.

Public health measures such as using insect repellent with DEET, wearing longer sleeves, and removing stagnant water from backyards can help control the spread of the virus, according to Siegel.

The doctor cautioned against using excessive insecticide to kill adult mosquitoes, as it can lead to problems.

"Mosquitoes are affected by animals, people with asthma, and insects that would otherwise kill them."

Bear or bug spray
When spending time outdoors, it is recommended that people apply insect repellent containing DEET or other EPA-approved ingredients. (iStock)

The CDC confirmed that the most effective way to prevent mosquito-borne illnesses is to prevent mosquito bites.

The agency recommends using insect repellent, wearing long-sleeved shirts and pants, and controlling mosquito exposure, especially during dawn and dusk.

For more Health articles, visit www.Planet Chronicle/health

Eliminating any standing water outdoors can help prevent mosquitoes from breeding.

Planet Chronicle' Michael Dorgan and Danielle Wallace contributed reporting.

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