The hiker's death in Utah highlights the importance of safety measures on the trail.

Before embarking on a hike, hikers should be aware of the 9 crucial pieces of information shared by experts.

The hiker's death in Utah highlights the importance of safety measures on the trail.
The hiker's death in Utah highlights the importance of safety measures on the trail.

On Sunday, a woman tragically lost her life while hiking on a trail near Quail Creek State Park in southern Utah, as per local news.

A 56-year-old woman, who was not named in the report, had called for help due to dehydration and extreme heat, but when police arrived, she was found unresponsive and declared dead at the scene.

When the woman's death was reported, the local temperature was 106 degrees Fahrenheit.

The recent hiking death and other heat-related incidents have emphasized the importance of safety measures.

Experts emphasize the need for preparation before hiking, particularly during summer months, as hiking is generally considered a beneficial form of exercise.

Hiking split
Outdoor enthusiasts shared tips to help prevent trail hazards amid a flurry of recent hiking-related deaths this summer. (iStock)

Outdoor enthusiasts shared the following important tips to help prevent hiking hazards.

1. Study the hiking area before your trip

Trail experts advise hikers to become acquainted with maps, landmarks, and any restricted areas or necessary permits prior to embarking on a hike.

Joey Coe, a trip leader for Backroads, advised Planet Chronicle Digital to research the terrain, trail difficulty, weather conditions, and local wildlife before embarking on a trip.

Female hiker
A female hiker (not pictured) died on Sunday on a trail near near Quail Creek State Park in southern Utah, according to local reports. (iStock)

Additionally, Coe advised saving a picture of the trail map on your phone for easy reference while hiking.

It is crucial to have a backup paper map when relying on cell phones and mapping apps, as advised by Guy deBrun, a lecturer at the Hart School of Hospitality, Sport & Recreation Management at James Madison University in Virginia.

According to deBrun, who is also a wilderness first aid instructor, it is crucial to know how to use a paper map.

The American Hiking Society, a nonprofit in Silver Springs, Maryland, advises hikers to consider the difficulty level of their planned route.

Snack on trail
Pack lightweight, high-energy foods such as nuts, dried fruit, energy bars and sandwiches, and avoid bringing perishable items unless you have proper storage, experts said regarding outdoor hikes. (iStock)

Maggie Peikon, manager of communications with the American Hiking Society, advised identifying possible emergency exit points in addition to being helpful, according to an email to Planet Chronicle Digital.

Additionally, online forums and trail reviews can offer valuable information about the terrain, she stated.

2. Set a ‘time plan’ for your hike

It is recommended to inform someone of your estimated arrival times at specific points on the trail, whether you are traveling alone or with a group.

"Knowledge of how to use a paper map is imperative."

One way to create a plan for controlling time is to take into account both linear distance and elevation.

When traveling uphill, a common guideline is to increase your speed by one mile for every 1,000 feet of elevation gain.

According to deBrun, most novices overlook the importance of planning for elevation gain.

"Gaining 1,000 feet of elevation adds one mile to your total mileage. Therefore, if you hike five miles and gain 2,000 feet, you should consider it seven miles. To estimate your time, divide by two miles per hour."

To avoid hiking in the dark without proper gear, it's crucial to estimate the amount of daylight you'll have during your excursion.

3. Know your limits

Experts recommended starting with short, easy, well-marked trails that match your fitness level.

As needed, take breaks and avoid pushing too hard, advised Coe.

If you're feeling too tired or realize you won't make it to your destination on time, err on the side of caution and turn around.

Map and compass
Before heading out on a hike, trail experts recommend familiarizing yourself with maps, landmarks, and any restricted areas or required permits. (iStock)

It’s also important to stay on the trail, she said.

"Steering clear of shortcuts can prevent getting lost due to disorientation when deviating from the trail."

4. Maintain a safe distance when hiking

To prevent accidents and provide room for wildlife, experts recommended maintaining a few feet of distance between hikers.

The American Hiking Society advises that when hiking in a group, it is best not to occupy the entire trail width.

Hikers going downhill should yield to those going uphill.

Experts advised caution when approaching vegetation in that region due to potential poisonous properties.

5. Prepare for weather conditions

Experts advised Planet Chronicle Digital that hikers should take local weather patterns into account when choosing their attire for a hike.

"Hikers should be aware of the frequent occurrence of lightning storms in the afternoon in many mountainous areas, as deBrun stated."

Coe recommended dressing in layers to help adjust to changing temperatures.

"Moisture-wicking, quick-drying materials are best," he said.

Bear or bug spray
In areas where bears are prevalent, experts suggest packing bear spray to use in the event of an unexpected encounter.  (iStock)

Bring a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen and rain gear, experts advised.

It's crucial to monitor children's body temperature during family hiking trips, as they may become cold while you overheat.

"While your child is warm from running around and playing, you may feel chilled."

Peikon advised dressing multiple children in bright, visible clothing to easily spot them on a hike.

6. Wear comfortable, supportive footwear

Several hiking trip leaders recommended using sturdy, well-fitted hiking boots with good ankle support.

To prevent blisters, Coe advised breaking them in before your trip.

Kids hiking
If multiple children are on the hike, dress them in bright, visible clothing so you can more easily spot them, an expert said. (iStock)

According to deBrun, running shoes or trail runners could be suitable, but hiking boots might be more fitting in wet or rocky terrain.

7. Bring along essential equipment

Experts advised packing a compass or GPS, whistle, flashlight, a basic first aid kit, and trekking poles (if necessary).

Advise children to blow the whistle multiple times if they stray from the group.

Pack a compass or GPS, whistle, flashlight, a basic first aid kit and trekking poles (if needed).

Be mindful of your group's medical requirements and any possible allergies, advised Coe.

It may be beneficial for hikers to take a wilderness first aid course, the speaker suggested.

To avoid unexpected encounters with bears in areas where they are common, experts recommend carrying bear spray.

It's advisable to consult with local wildlife experts for guidance on how to handle an encounter with wildlife.

8. Stay fueled and hydrated

Experts advised packing lightweight, high-energy foods such as nuts, dried fruit, energy bars, and sandwiches, while avoiding perishable items unless proper storage is available.

Couple on a hike
Aim to keep a distance of at least a few feet between hikers to avoid accidents and allow space for wildlife, experts advised.  (iStock)

It is also important to leave no trace of food behind.

To prevent littering and attracting wildlife, Coe advised to dispose of all trash and leftover food.

Packing enough water is essential.

Peikon advised bringing at least half a liter of water for every hour of hiking, and even more so when hiking in the heat.

Selfie hiking
Selfies can distract hikers from their surroundings, which can increase the risk of falls or cause them to miss a hazard, according to hiking experts.  (iStock)

Very few water sources are safe to drink without purification, deBrun cautioned.

He advised bringing a water purification system for extended hikes and researching water sources.

9. Use caution with cellphones and selfies

Hiking experts warn that selfies can increase the risk of falls and cause hikers to miss hazards by distracting them from their surroundings.

According to Coe, it is always tragic to hear about fatalities resulting from selfies in U.S. national parks, which unfortunately occur every year.

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He advised to stay aware of surroundings while using phone.

Coe advised using the phone only for emergency calls and navigation as necessary.

Melissa Rudy of Planet Chronicle Digital contributed reporting.

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