Staring at the sun during a solar eclipse can lead to blindness.

Looking directly at the sun can cause eye damage within seconds, according to eye experts.

Staring at the sun during a solar eclipse can lead to blindness.
Staring at the sun during a solar eclipse can lead to blindness.

Eye doctors are cautioning people not to gaze directly at the sun before the Monday, April 8th solar eclipse, as it may result in blindness and irreversible eye damage.

In less than a second, looking at the sun can cause this to happen, according to Dr. Matthew Gorski, M.D., an ophthalmologist with Northwell Health on Long Island, New York, who shared this with Planet Chronicle Digital in an interview.

Another expert echoed those potential dangers.

Dr. Avnish Deobhakta, M.D., a vitreoretinal surgeon at New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai in New York City, stated to Planet Chronicle Digital that it is highly likely that you could develop a permanent blind spot if you do not use the necessary protection while viewing a solar eclipse.

"He stated that the eclipse, while amazing, is also a potentially hazardous occurrence and emphasized the importance of caution during the event."

Glasses, eye sight, solar eclipse
"It is very possible that you can wind up with a permanent blind spot from viewing the eclipse without the appropriate protection," said one expert. Check out the proper preparation ahead of April 8.  (Getty Images/iStock)

"The sun's beams are incredibly intense and can harm the portion of the eye that captures light."

In that case, the damage may be irreversible, Deobhakta warned.

Solar retinopathy, a rare type of retinal injury, could result from directly gazing at the sun, experts caution.

A case study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) detailed a young woman in her 20s who experienced an adverse event while viewing the solar eclipse in August 2017.

The woman observed the solar rim multiple times, first without protective glasses for six seconds and then again with eclipse glasses for 15 to 20 seconds. The report noted that the peak obscuration of the sun's area by the moon was approximately 70%.

Staring at the sun during a solar eclipse can lead to blindness.
Permanent eye damage can happen "in less than a second from looking at the sun," an optometrist warned. (iStock)

Four hours after the woman started, she began experiencing blurred and distorted vision and color distortion.

At the time, doctors at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary in New York City diagnosed her with solar retinopathy.

Gorski told Planet Chronicle Digital in an interview that it can occur suddenly.

"The retina inside the eye can be damaged by solar retinopathy, a disease process caused by intense UV light rays from the sun."

Blurry vision, blind spots, distortion, light sensitivity, and headaches are some of the symptoms.

"It is very possible that you can wind up with a permanent blind spot from viewing the eclipse without the appropriate protection."

In some cases, the symptoms may improve, the ophthalmologist noted.

Gorski stated that while the good news is that some symptoms can improve, the bad news is that permanent blindness can also result from the same symptoms.

Anyone who develops symptoms should immediately see an eye doctor, he advised.

Solar eclipse viewing
Dean Cabrera watches the solar eclipse in Washington, D.C., from the National Mall near the National Museum of African American History, on Aug. 21, 2017.  (Jack Gruber/USA TODAY/Imagn)

It is crucial to adhere to safety protocols when observing a solar eclipse and to always use the appropriate protective eyewear to avoid direct sunlight exposure.

To view the sun safely during a solar eclipse, one must use ISO12312-2 designated solar eclipse glasses or viewers, he stated.

To ensure the safety of your eyes during the solar eclipse, it is crucial to purchase solar eclipse glasses from a reliable source and to examine the glasses for any scratches, damage, or holes.

Children require special attention, Gorski cautioned.

Solar eclipse
A solar eclipse is photographed on Aug. 21, 2017, in Madras, Oregon. (ROB KERR/AFP via Getty Images)

""Ensuring that your child is responsible and the solar eclipse glasses properly fit their faces is crucial," he emphasized."

Gorski advised against looking directly at the sun, whether or not there's an eclipse, as it's always dangerous, according to Planet Chronicle Digital.

The vendor of the special ISO 12312-2 standard glasses was emphasized by Deobhakta as being crucial for purchasing.

young girl looks at solar eclipse through glasses
Parents and caregivers should ensure that children wear the appropriate solar eclipse glasses and that they fit properly, say experts. (iStock)

He stated that regular sunglasses do not provide protection against eclipse.

"The ones you need are much stronger."

There are other ways to safely view the eclipse, Deobhakta mentioned.

He suggested using a projection method, such as a pinhole camera, to indirectly observe the rays.

An advisory issued by ophthalmologists at New York Eye and Ear Infirmary provided several safety tips.

7 safety tips to know ahead of the solar eclipse

It is crucial to avoid gazing directly at the sun or its rays during an eclipse without appropriate protection for your eyes.

2. Only special-purpose solar filter sunglasses will protect your eyes.

To meet international safety standards, glasses filters must be labeled as "ISO 12312-2" compliant.

To avoid counterfeits, look for approved vendors listed by the American Astronomical Society when shopping online.

Avoid using binoculars or magnifying lenses during the eclipse as they can concentrate the sun's rays onto the retina and cause harm.

A pinhole camera can be safely used to view the eclipse.

Do not watch the video on your phone while recording the eclipse and watch it later.

For more Health articles, visit www.Planet Chronicle/health.

by Amy McGorry


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