Some young people with autism can improve their social skills through unique therapy.

An improv performance class is being utilized by a New York speech therapist to enhance social skills.

Some young people with autism can improve their social skills through unique therapy.
Some young people with autism can improve their social skills through unique therapy.

An improvisational theater speech pathologist in New York is aiding young adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in enhancing their social abilities.

A speech language pathologist and assistant professor at Long Island University Post, Bob Domingo, PhD, is utilizing his expertise and passion for improv to aid individuals with ASD.

Improv allows me to blend my expertise in speech, language, and communication with improv games and activities, enabling me to explore innovative ways of communicating with others through spontaneous, unscripted "scenes" or conversations, as Domingo shared with Planet Chronicle Digital in an interview.

For individuals with ASD, symptoms can vary in severity.

According to Domingo and other experts, individuals can range from being completely nonverbal to fully verbal.

Bob Domingo, PhD, a speech language pathologist and assistant professor at Long Island University Post
Bob Domingo, PhD, a speech language pathologist and assistant professor at Long Island University Post, is combining his skills and love of improv to help those with ASD. (Amy McGorry)

Here's what to know.

Symptoms of autism spectrum disorder

According to Domingo, people with the disorder commonly experience social and cognitive difficulties that hinder their ability to communicate with others.

It can be challenging for them to understand what others are saying due to their limited attention span.

Domingo stated that the individual might lack the ability to employ suitable social skills during discussions.

Those with the disorder may also have difficulty maintaining eye contact, initiating conversations, and taking turns during discussions, he stated.

Domingo stated that individuals with ASD may face challenges with "self-advocacy," meaning they have difficulty expressing their thoughts, emotions, and requirements.

Improv class
Domingo’s class consists of eight to 12 young verbal adults with ASD from age 19 through over 30, along with some students and professors from the university. (Amy McGorry)

As per a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2.8% of 8-year-old children in the U.S. were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder as of March 2023.

According to the Mayo Clinic website, while there is currently no cure for autism, intensive, early treatments can positively impact the lives of those affected by the disorder.

Through interactive dialogue exercises, Domingo hopes his improv classes will enhance communication.

He stated that engaging in games and activities promotes active listening, which is crucial for effective communication with others.

What is improv?

Experts describe improv as a live act where actors create scenes and characters on the spot, responding to audience or host suggestions through dialogue.

The exchange can be comical or serious.

The improv troupe engages in "yes/and" exchanges, where one person makes a statement and the other responds with "yes, and" to facilitate the conversation's progression.

Improv performers
In improv, actors spontaneously create scenes and characters that engage in dialogue based on the audience’s or host’s suggestion. (iStock)

The class of Domingo includes between eight to twelve young adults with ASD aged 19 to over 30, along with some students and professors from the university.

They meet weekly on the LIU Post campus and also conduct Zoom sessions to practice speaking, listening, and maintaining eye contact.

Domingo stated to Planet Chronicle Digital that improv promotes communication among individuals in a lighthearted and non-intimidating manner.

Before each class, the group convenes in a circle to engage in breathing, vocalization, facial expression, and physical movement exercises.

Improv performers
The instructor told Planet Chronicle Digital that he hopes the practice that those with ASD receive "helps them make good linguistic and interpersonal decisions outside of class." (iStock)

The students are paired up and assigned roles, and then given a prompt to start the improv session.

Domingo mentioned that social encounters may involve deciding on party guests, selecting a gift for someone, or demonstrating support to a partner in a specific circumstance.

The pair is tasked with coming up with a conversation with a clear beginning, middle and end.

With Domingo's guidance, the pair must create a dialogue that follows a structured format, including a conflict and a resolution.

Domingo stated that the improv practice they receive may aid them in making sound linguistic and interpersonal choices beyond the classroom.

Real-life benefits

Some parents who spoke with Planet Chronicle Digital reported that improv therapy is benefiting some students.

The couple from Long Island, New York, stated that their 23-year-old son, Anthony Joseph D'Alessandri, was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.

Deborah D'Alessandri stated in an interview that he is both intelligent and humorous, but sometimes fails to connect.

Autism intervention
One in 36 (2.8%) 8-year-old children in the U.S. were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder as of March 2023, as stated in a CDC report. (iStock)

Their son's participation in improv has led to an improvement in his interactions in other programs, including his culinary classes, according to his parents.

Anthony's success in those programs can be attributed to Bob's improv, his mother told Planet Chronicle Digital.

""He has improved his communication skills with others, discovered the value of humor in conversations, and learned to collaborate with groups," she added."

Elizabeth Matthew, another parent from Long Island, shared with Planet Chronicle Digital that her 19-year-old son's anxiety has been improved through improv classes.

Improvisation has boosted his self-confidence through the social aspect of speaking and learning, she stated.

"His anxiety and uncertainty about what to say first are contributing to his issues, but this is helping him develop stronger self-confidence."

"All adults who meet the formal criteria for autism have difficulty with social skills."

Numerous research studies have demonstrated that theater-based interventions resulted in cognitive and behavioral advancements in young people with ASD.

Rebecca Landa, PhD, executive director of the Center for Autism Services, Science and Innovation (CASSI) at the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, shared her thoughts on the improv class to Planet Chronicle Digital, despite not being a participant.

According to Landa, all adults who meet the formal criteria for autism may struggle with social skills, and the specific nature of these difficulties can vary from person to person.

She suggested that the difficulties may be less intense in situations that are familiar and have no stressors.

She stated that these social challenges can impact a person's overall sense of well-being.

Improv performers
Several peer-reviewed studies have shown that theater-based intervention led to cognitive and behavioral improvements in young individuals with ASD. (iStock)

"People with autism may hide their social challenges, resulting in exhaustion and linked to stress," she stated.

"Participation in improv classes can benefit autistic individuals who enjoy the class and are willing to participate."

It is advised that mental health professionals and autism experts should facilitate these classes, as warned by the expert.

"Additional coaching and reflection can support insight and conscious awareness of what is helping, identify which skills need improvement, and provide guidance on how to apply these skills in real-life situations," she stated.

Improvisation can be a valuable tool for assisting individuals with autism, according to Domingo's hope.

Autism awareness
"Autistic people may mask their social difficulties, which causes fatigue and is often associated with anxiety," an expert said. (iStock)

In May 2024, he will present at the annual NYSSLHA convention in White Plains, New York, discussing the use of improv to enhance social skills.

He is also teaching a course at Long Island University on using improv to enhance social interactions.

Cost may be a barrier for some families, parents noted.

Anthony D'Alessandria stated to Planet Chronicle Digital that he hopes insurance will eventually cover alternative methods, such as improv courses, in the future.

If insurance companies covered the cost, we could promote our child to greater heights, he said.

"We believe that an entire generation will be unable to afford it."

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