Some mental health disorders are more likely to affect individuals with brain aneurysms, according to a study.

The American Heart Association states that those more likely to experience anxiety, depression, insomnia, and other conditions are affected.

Some mental health disorders are more likely to affect individuals with brain aneurysms, according to a study.
Some mental health disorders are more likely to affect individuals with brain aneurysms, according to a study.

A study published by the American Heart Association (AHA) suggests that individuals with a brain aneurysm diagnosis may be more likely to develop certain mental health conditions.

The study revealed that individuals with unruptured aneurysms had a 10% higher risk of developing anxiety, stress, depression, insomnia, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, and alcohol or drug misuse over a 10-year period.

A potentially deadly rupture can occur when a blood vessel in the brain bulges out due to weakness, as per the AHA.

Those under 40 years old were most affected by the effect, and their risk was three times higher if they received an official mental health diagnosis.

In a study, researchers compared the health outcomes of 85,438 adults with untreated aneurysms to 331,000 adults without aneurysms, using data collected between 2011 and 2019.

Brain aneurysm
An unruptured aneurysm occurs when a blood vessel in the brain becomes weak and bulges out, creating the risk of a potentially deadly rupture. (American Heart Association)

The data came from the National Health Information Database in South Korea.

The American Stroke Association, a division of the AHA, published the findings in their peer-reviewed scientific journal, Stroke.

An assistant professor of neurosurgery at Ewha Womans University College of Medicine in Seoul, South Korea, Na-Rae Yang, M.D., PhD, stated in a press release that as a neurosurgeon who treats cerebral aneurysms, she frequently encounters individuals who do not undergo surgery but still experience fear and/or anxiety before each imaging or screening test to monitor their condition.

"Despite being advised by medical professionals that follow-up observation is the most suitable course of action for their aneurysm instead of surgery, they remain concerned about the remote possibility of experiencing a fatal brain bleed."

Woman anxious headache
The fact that younger adults were more likely to have a "significant psychological burden" could be linked to other life stressors, an expert noted. (iStock)

Yang pointed out that other life stressors, such as career building and family raising, could contribute to the significant psychological burden experienced by younger adults.

She pointed out that the high rate of mental health conditions among young people indicates that they may be more susceptible, emphasizing the importance of tailored mental health support and interventions for this age group.

Dr. Daniel T. Lackland, a member of the American Heart Association EPI and Stroke Council and a professor of epidemiology at the Medical University of South Carolina, stated that he was not involved in the study but was not surprised by the findings.

This study suggests that there may be a connection between stress and aneurysms, and that unruptured aneurysms can increase emotional distress, although there is no evidence that aneurysms directly cause anxiety and mental disorders.

Man anxious headache
The knowledge of an unruptured aneurysm increased the risk of anxiety, stress, depression, insomnia, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, and alcohol or drug misuse by 10% over a 10-year period, the researchers found. (iStock)

"An expanding aneurysm might cause panic or anxiety symptoms by affecting nearby sympathetic ganglia."

An enlarged aneurysm rupturing could increase anxiety due to extreme emotional stress, according to Lackland.

Lackland advises individuals with a family history of brain aneurysms to maintain active and regular communication with health providers.

The patient should follow through with the appropriate and proper treatment if diagnosed with a brain aneurysm, advised the doctor.

"Aneurysms, whether brain or aortic, can be life-threatening if they rupture, but can be treated with appropriate therapy and/or procedures."

Woman with headache
Although the findings suggest an association between aneurysms and mental health conditions, they can’t prove cause and effect, the researchers noted. (iStock)

In his practice, Dr. Bradley Serwer, a cardiologist and chief medical officer at VitalSolution, a Cincinnati-based company that provides cardiovascular and anesthesiology services to hospitals nationwide, has observed the same phenomenon.

The psychological impact of being told one has a brain aneurysm, abnormal heart valve, irregular heart rhythm, or aortic aneurysm is significant, according to Serwer, who was not involved in the research.

Younger patients may have fewer coping mechanisms, he noted.

"Anxiety can result from their tendency to focus more on medical conditions."

According to Serwer, this research emphasizes the significance of adopting a multidisciplinary approach to patient care and the "urgent requirement" for more behavioral and mental health services to assist these individuals.

Potential limitations

The study did have some limitations, the researchers acknowledged.

The analysis utilized a national database of medical codes instead of patient input.

"Brain aneurysms, like aortic aneurysms, are life-threatening if they rupture, but can be treated with appropriate therapy and/or procedures."

The research did not consider the dimensions or position of the aneurysms during its investigation.

The researchers noted that while the research suggests a link between aneurysms and mental health conditions, it does not establish a cause-and-effect relationship.

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Lackland stated that, according to the authors, there is insufficient evidence to suggest that brain aneurysms increase the risk of mental health issues.

"The study was conducted in Korea, but it is uncertain if the findings can be applied to other populations."

by Melissa Rudy


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