Parents claim that their Ohio baby is smiling again after chiropractic adjustments, but is it safe?

Some argue that adjustments are advantageous for infants, while others caution about the possibility of harm.

Parents claim that their Ohio baby is smiling again after chiropractic adjustments, but is it safe?
Parents claim that their Ohio baby is smiling again after chiropractic adjustments, but is it safe?

Since being treated by a chiropractor, the newborn in Columbus, Ohio, has a completely different attitude, according to her parents.

Joseph Freeman, Lily's father, revealed to Planet Chronicle Digital that the two-month-old baby was not content.

When his daughter was born, she had an umbilical cord wrapped around her neck twice.

A week after the birth, the baby displayed extreme fussiness, grimacing, clenched fists, and stiff arms and legs.

Murdock, while breastfeeding, adhered to a strict diet, excluding dairy and eggs, in an attempt to induce change.

lily and her parents
Stephanie Murdock and Joseph Freeman are pictured with their baby, Lily Freeman. "The only thing that worked was holding her upright. We knew something was wrong," said the dad about his baby.  (Joseph Freeman)

""Holding her upright was the only thing that stopped her from crying uncontrollably when she was placed on her back, which made us realize something was wrong," Freeman stated."

"Freeman stated, "We, as her parents, could not remain passive and watch as she endured her invisible suffering.""

Fellow parents recommended that the couple see a chiropractor on social media.

"Freeman stated that we had no prior knowledge that chiropractors treated children, and we were highly skeptical because Lily was only two weeks old."

Little baby receiving chiropractic care
When evaluating a baby, a chiropractor said the movements of the spine's joints will help determine where adjustments are needed. (iStock)

Dr. Josh Russell at Ability Chiropractic in Hillard, Ohio informed Freeman and Murdock that the birthing process can be "traumatic" for both the mother and child.

A "thorough examination" is usually conducted, and the child's history, including the details of pregnancy, labor, and delivery, is investigated.

He stated that the foundation of chiropractic care is to enable the nervous system to operate optimally.

"Tightness in musculature and limited mobility in the spine can disrupt the nervous system's ability to transmit signals to the rest of the body."

Baby chiropractic treatment
A chiropractor compared the pressure of an adjustment to checking "a peach or a tomato for ripeness." (iStock)

Russell stated that assessing a baby's movements would aid in identifying the necessary adjustments to the spinal joints.

The appropriate pressure can be used to check the ripeness of a peach or a tomato, as the doctor advised.

"The removal of nervous system interference results in significant changes."

After the second chiropractic visit, Freeman, the baby's mom, noticed a "huge change" in her little one's mobility and demeanor.

Josh Russell, DC, Ability Chiropractic
Dr. Josh Russell at Ability Chiropractic in Hillard, Ohio, treated baby Lily Freeman. (Audrey Art/Ability Chiropractic)

"She started smiling for the first time since she was born," he said. "We could place her on her back without her uncontrollably crying."

Lily was able to sleep without waking up every 20 minutes in pain, transforming into a totally different baby. It was a beautiful thing to witness.

Some claim practice is ‘overwhelmingly safe'

According to the chiropractor, babies, toddlers, and kids who are struggling with eating, sleeping, or bowel movements may greatly benefit from an adjustment.

For toddlers, Russell claims that chiropractic care can also help with hyperactivity.

He stated that the practice is "overwhelmingly safe" in response to parents' concerns that an adjustment could harm their baby.

baby cries in mother's arms
Babies, toddlers and kids who may be having trouble with eating, sleeping or bowel movements could find great benefit from an adjustment, according to a chiropractor.  (iStock)

He stated that he had not experienced any negative effects from chiropractic treatment.

"Our protocol involves a comprehensive examination with minor adjustments. It's not anything out of the ordinary."

Before undergoing treatment, Freeman advised other parents to research and consult with a chiropractor.

""We had to advocate for Lily because knowledge is power and you have to be the voice for the voiceless," he said."

Chiropractic care split
Lily Freeman, pictured at left, changed into a "totally different baby," her father said. (Joseph Freeman; iStock)

Dr. Lora Tanis, a New Jersey chiropractor and president of the Council on Chiropractic Pediatrics, advised Planet Chronicle Digital that she "absolutely supports" chiropractic care for infants.

A spinal evaluation may be necessary for a baby due to mechanical forces or circumstances, and early evaluation can prevent future issues, according to her email.

Tanis stated that chiropractors conduct "age-suitable assessments" before deciding if a child is eligible for chiropractic treatment.

A chiropractor can provide "greater comfort" to babies with neuromusculoskeletal conditions, according to her.

"After receiving chiropractic care, infants' parents report that their babies cry less and sleep more soundly."

Chiropractic therapist manipulates child's back
"Often there are mechanical forces or circumstances that would warrant a spinal evaluation for a baby, and therefore, having a baby evaluated early can potentially avoid future problems," one chiropractor said. (iStock)

Tanis stated that the adjustments made on children were done with great care, accuracy, and consideration for their age.

Parents should seek chiropractic help for their children if they exhibit abnormal posture or head position, decreased motion of extremities, irritability with movement, or trauma.

Experts warn of risks

Not all experts agree that chiropractic adjustments are safe for newborns.

A study in Pediatrics found that serious adverse events may be linked to pediatric spinal manipulation.

Dr. Beth C. Natt, the system medical director of pediatrics at Atlantic Health System in New Jersey, shared those concerns.

She advised against chiropractic care for babies, stating her stance on the matter to Planet Chronicle Digital.

"While many people enjoy watching newborn babies receive chiropractic care on TikTok, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and other trustworthy medical organizations advise against it due to safety and effectiveness concerns."

"Infants are wired to adapt to their environment without external interventions like chiropractic care."

According to Natt, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that chiropractic care can treat conditions such as colic, reflux, and sleep disturbances.

Natt disagreed with the belief that infants need to be "realigned" after childbirth.

Baby with stethoscope
Infants have "delicate and developing bones and joints," the doctor noted, which makes them "more susceptible to injury from spinal manipulations," a pediatrician said. (iStock)

Infants naturally adjust and develop after birth, and they are designed to adapt to their environment without external interventions like chiropractic care, she stated.

The doctor pointed out that infants' "delicate and developing bones and joints" make them "more prone to injury from spinal manipulations."

Natt cautioned that there have been reported instances of severe injuries, such as fractures and spinal cord injuries, following chiropractic treatment in infants.

Before consulting a chiropractor, parents should first discuss their concerns with their pediatricians, as recommended by the doctor.

baby feet in mother's hands
Babies' developing bones can leave the little ones more susceptible to injuries, the pediatrician said.  (iStock)

The pediatrician can determine if other, less risky therapies are better for the infant, she said.

We all share the same goal of prioritizing the well-being of our patients.

Planet Chronicle Digital reached out to the AAP requesting comment.

by Angelica Stabile


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