Numerous organizations suggest that cannabis could aid elderly individuals in coping with pain.

Research indicates that seniors who use marijuana may decrease their consumption of opioids and prescription drugs.

Numerous organizations suggest that cannabis could aid elderly individuals in coping with pain.
Numerous organizations suggest that cannabis could aid elderly individuals in coping with pain.

For the first time ever, more Americans are using marijuana daily than those who consume alcohol on a regular basis.

That’s according to the Society for the Study of Addiction.

Senior citizens aged 65 and above are increasingly using marijuana for health issues, but they face challenges in obtaining medical cannabis.

Dr. Zachary Palace, a board-certified geriatrician, stated that there is a significant psychopharmacology associated with cannabis, which he had not learned about during his medical education.

"I came to understand that it's a safe medication for the elderly population as I delved deeper into its uses."

Marijuana plant
Many older Americans are using marijuana for ailments in place of prescription drugs — but they are having difficulty accessing medical cannabis. That could change.  (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

The Commonwealth Project has released a new video featuring the Palace, along with other physicians, patients, and politicians, to promote the wider availability of medical marijuana, particularly for senior citizens. Howard Kessler founded the initiative.

Kessler stated that we unnecessarily inflict suffering on people daily.

Dr. Melanie Bone, an OB-GYN, reports success in treating senior citizens with marijuana.

Patients say it helps them sleep, makes them feel less drowsy than other prescription drugs — and others were able to stop taking morphine or opioids.

"The status quo was either not to teach at all or maybe a lecture," she said. "It’s safe, it’s efficacious." Her patients claim that it helps them sleep better and reduces drowsiness compared to other prescription drugs. Additionally, some patients have been able to stop taking morphine or opioids with this method.

One of Dr. Bone's patients stated, "I have been experiencing pain for 40 years, but now it is gone."

By law, the Drug Enforcement Association has classified cannabis as a schedule 1 substance since the Nixon administration.

Cannabis flowers
A worker organizes cannabis flowers before the opening of the first legal recreational marijuana dispensary in the East Village in the Manhattan borough of New York City, Dec. 29, 2022. (REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz/File Photo)

In 1971, President Richard Nixon labeled drug abuse as America's top public enemy.

Other schedule 1 substances include heroin, LSD and ecstasy.

According to Schedule 1, this substance has no medical use and is highly addictive and dangerous, as stated by Robert Kent, former White House general counsel of National Drug Control Policy.

Schedule 2 is more permissive than the classification, which encompasses substances such as cocaine, fentanyl, and meth.

Kent has helped develop drug policy for almost 20 years. He worked as part of President Joe Biden’s White House Office of National Drug Control Policy.

"Former Massachusetts HHS Secretary Marylou Sudders stated that Schedule 3 indicates a medical use," said Marylou Sudders, former Massachusetts HHS Secretary.

Last August, the Health and Human Services Department recommended rescheduling marijuana due to concerns about potential abuse or dependence on the substance, despite determining that cannabis had a role in the medical field.

President Joe Biden stated that the Drug Enforcement Administration's move to re-classify the drug in May was a crucial step towards addressing longstanding disparities.

A DEA logo
A logo reading DEA Special Agent is pictured in the Office of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) on May 29, 2019, in New York City. (JOHANNES EISELE/AFP via Getty Images)

The public comment period is the final step before the move becomes official after the Office of Management and Budget signs off, following the DEA announcement as the last major hurdle for rescheduling.

Kent has spent nearly two decades assisting in the formulation of drug policies. He contributed to this effort as part of President Joe Biden's White House Office of National Drug Control Policy.

Kent expressed his hope that the focus on commercial recreational marijuana would pave the way for more research, making it easier to conduct studies.

"I'm particularly interested in research where we can look at use of cannabis, marijuana, as an alternative to prescribed opioids for treating pain and other medical conditions."

"I am particularly interested in research on the use of cannabis, or marijuana, as an alternative to prescribed opioids for treating pain and other medical conditions."

Some of the most promising benefits, according to Kent, could be the reduction of overdoses.

Kent stated that it is heartbreaking, as even the most recent federal CDC numbers show that we are losing over 100,000 people annually to prescribed opioids.

Numerous elderly individuals are currently utilizing cannabis as a remedy for persistent pain, nausea resulting from cancer therapy, and other health issues.

Woman hurt on phone
Many senior citizens are now using cannabis to treat chronic pain, nausea from cancer treatment and other ailments. (iStock)

"Geriatric patients are at a high risk of being on 10 or more medications, and there is a significant chance of side effects, according to Palace. However, the most significant impact we observed was pain management. In most cases, patients were able to either eliminate or significantly reduce the amount of opioids they were taking, and we did not notice any side effects."

The Commonwealth Project suggests a demonstration model in Massachusetts, similar to Medicare.

"Kessler stated that it is the government's job to provide healthcare for individuals aged 65 and above."

Caregivers would receive guidance and education from major payer providers throughout the study, pay for approved cannabis therapies for people 65 and over, and record the results.

According to former Blue Cross Blue Shield Massachusetts CEO William Van-Faasen, the task of the new system is to validate what is already known in a structured, observed, and controlled manner.

According to Kessler, the project has the potential to aid tens of millions of individuals; however, others argue that further proof is required.

marijuana in LA
A nonprofit co-operative medical marijuana dispenser displays various types of marijuana available to patients in Los Angeles, California. (David McNew/Getty Images)

According to Kevin Sabet, president and CEO of Smart Approaches to Marijuana, there is uncertainty about the impact of rescheduling marijuana, as some believe it will lead to a flood of research. However, Sabet is skeptical because he believes that money is necessary for research to occur, and so far, biotechnology companies do not see marijuana as a profitable product.

For more Health articles, visit www.Planet Chronicle/health.

Sabet advised the Clinton, Obama, and Bush administrations. His organization maintains that cannabis should not replace medicine until FDA approval.

Sabet stated that it's possible that opioid manufacturers may not want it, but he believes everyone is open to studying it. However, he emphasized the importance of getting the facts out immediately, as seventy-five percent of people believe it's harmless.

"It remains in your system and can lead to mental health breakdowns."

Some doctors believe that rescheduling cannabis could result in increased research and understanding of its advantages.

Kent stated that the danger is imminent due to the numerous states with products available on the market.

"Seniors are already using dispensaries in states where marijuana is legal, and Howard's proposal could control it more significantly."

by Bret Baier,Amy Munneke


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