Health officials caution about the increase of raccoon roundworm infections in Los Angeles County.

In severe cases, the parasite Baylisascaris procyonis can lead to brain swelling and eye disease.

Health officials caution about the increase of raccoon roundworm infections in Los Angeles County.
Health officials caution about the increase of raccoon roundworm infections in Los Angeles County.

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has confirmed a rare parasitic infection called raccoon roundworm in Los Angeles.

In the South Bay area of Los Angeles County, two individuals have been infected with Baylisascaris procyonis, a parasitic worm transmitted from raccoons' intestines.

The health department issued a warning that the parasite, when it infects humans, can impact the brain, spinal cord, and eyes, potentially resulting in brain swelling and eye disease.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that after developing in raccoons' intestines, worms lay eggs that are excreted in their feces.

Raccoon at fence
A rare parasitic infection known as raccoon roundworm has been confirmed in Los Angeles, according to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. (iStock)

In the right conditions, the eggs can survive for years, but after two to four weeks, they become infectious.

Erica Susky, a certified infection control practitioner from Canada, informed Planet Chronicle Digital that while raccoons are the natural hosts for the disease, some accidentally infected species include domestic dogs and humans.

"The roundworm infects new hosts through ingestion of the infective larval stage, either by consuming the infected host or by consuming contaminated feces in the environment."

The CDC states that while it is uncommon, individuals can contract the roundworm by accidentally consuming its eggs, which are present in the raccoon's feces, through soil, water, or contaminated objects.

Eye doctor
When it infects humans, the parasite can potentially cause eye disease, the health department warned. (iStock)

The CDC cautioned that young children and developmentally disabled individuals are at the greatest risk of ingesting contaminated substances, as they are more likely to accidentally put contaminated fingers, soil, or objects into their mouths.

The infection cannot be transmitted among people.

The LA health department stated that Baylisascariasis, although rare in people and posing a low risk to the general public at present, is concerning due to the high infection rate in raccoons, who live near people in large numbers.

The parasite is prevalent in the U.S. and Canada, with higher occurrences in the Southern, Northeast, Midwest, and West coast regions, as Susky pointed out.

"It is concerning because a large number of raccoons live near people, and the infection rate in raccoons is likely high."

Although only a few cases of raccoon roundworm have been reported in the U.S., the actual number may be higher due to misdiagnosis or lack of diagnosis.

In 2018, there were 23 confirmed cases and six deaths in the country.

Symptoms of raccoon roundworm

The effects of raccoon roundworm can differ based on the number of eggs ingested and where they settle in the body.

Subclinical infections have been observed in some of the infected individuals, according to Susky.

Swelling of the brain is one adverse effect of raccoon roundworm, health experts warn. (iStock)

The CDC states that consuming a large number of eggs can result in symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, an enlarged liver, loss of muscle control, loss of coordination, blindness, coma, and a lack of focus on people and surroundings.

The agency cautioned that those with weakened immune systems, pregnant women, children, and adults aged 65 and above are at the highest risk of severe disease.

Preventing infection

Research indicates that as much as 60% of human infectious diseases originate from animals.

Dr. Muntu Davis, a health officer with Los Angeles County, stated in a press release that the health of animals in our vicinity has a significant impact on our own well-being.

"Our health is closely linked to the health of the animals around us."

"Taking basic precautions, such as washing hands frequently, avoiding contact with wild animals and their waste, maintaining healthy pets, and preventing wildlife from inhabiting our homes or properties can safeguard our neighborhoods and families."

Susky advises that the best way to prevent infection is to avoid contact with wild animals or birds, including dead ones.

To eliminate potential hiding places, she suggested closing up open attics and crawl spaces.

It is recommended to keep pets indoors as much as possible and to use leashes when they are outside.

Two raccoons
The infection, Baylisascaris procyonis, is caused by a parasitic worm from the raccoon’s intestines. (iStock)

Susky advised that pets should be taken to the veterinarian regularly for deworming and to determine if it is necessary, and to seek veterinary treatment if a pet becomes ill.

As she pointed out, eggs could unintentionally be present in soil and water, making hand-washing all the more important.

Susky emphasized the importance of frequent hand washing as a preventive measure against infections, such as before preparing food or after interacting with animals.

"After engaging in outdoor activities, it is essential to wash one's hands."

handwashing and running water
Hand-washing is especially crucial for prevention, experts say, as eggs could inadvertently be in soil and water. (iStock)

Children should be reminded by adults to wash their hands after playing outside, as they are more likely to accidentally consume soil and water, advised Susky.

To prevent animals from using the sandbox for defecating or urinating, she advised covering it when not in use.

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The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health was contacted by Planet Chronicle Digital.

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