Experts claim that moringa has health benefits such as reducing inflammation and lowering blood sugar.

Dietitians offer advice on incorporating moringa into your diet and the potential health benefits linked to the supplement.

Experts claim that moringa has health benefits such as reducing inflammation and lowering blood sugar.
Experts claim that moringa has health benefits such as reducing inflammation and lowering blood sugar.

One of many plants that may provide health benefits when consumed is moringa.

Green protein powders often contain moringa, which is available in various forms such as stand-alone powder, oils, pill capsules.

For many years, moringa has been widely used in South Asia and Africa. However, its usage in the U.S. has seen a significant increase recently.

It's crucial to be cautious when adding any new supplement to your diet, considering the brand's reliability and reputation, as well as examining the ingredients in each product.

Isabel Smith, a New York-based registered dietitian and founder of Isabel Smith Nutrition and Lifestyle, advised caution on the quality in a phone call with Planet Chronicle Digital.

A Moringa plant and a green smoothie
Moringa is popularly purchased in powder form and used for its many nutritional benefits.  (iStock)

"Smith emphasized the importance of being a conscious consumer and purchasing products from trusted and loved companies to avoid encountering heavy metals or bad products."

A third-party test can confirm the safety of a product.

Jerlyn Jones, an Atlanta-based registered dietitian and owner of The Lifestyle Dietitian LLC, emphasizes the importance of looking for third-party tested products to ensure the safety, purity, and accuracy of the ingredients in them. Additionally, she advises consumers to choose 100% organic products to ensure they are free from harmful chemicals and additives.

Unlike matcha, which has been linked to various health benefits and has gained popularity in recent years, moringa does not contain caffeine.

Some of the health benefits attributed to moringa include reducing inflammation, improving digestion, and boosting the immune system.

A smoothie with moringa
One way moringa can be added to your diet is by mixing powder into your healthy fruit and vegetable smoothies.  (iStock)

Moringa has the potential to combat inflammation, offering a significant health advantage.

According to Harvard Health, inflammation is the body's reaction to illness or infection.

Chronic inflammation has been linked to various diseases, such as cancer and heart disease.

Anti-inflammatory foods and supplements can reduce the likelihood of developing various diseases, including those related to inflammation.

Woman making a protein shake
Moringa can be found in a protein powder mixed with a variety of other vitamins and minerals. (iStock)

Smith stated that the product contains quercetin, a natural antihistamine with anti-inflammatory properties.

Moringa contains "beta-carotene, which is beneficial for skin health and has a lot of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties," Smith said in an interview with Planet Chronicle Digital.

While moringa may offer health benefits, it's important to remember that making drastic changes or adding supplements alone won't significantly impact your health. Instead, living a balanced lifestyle that suits your body is crucial.

Smith stated that no single thing can significantly impact someone, but rather, it's the collective effort and actions taken together that can make a difference.

Sometimes, although a balanced diet can supply the body with nutrients to maintain health and strength, additional nutrients may be necessary.

In some cases, the body may not obtain sufficient nutrients. Supplements can assist in increasing nutrient consumption.

A sick person on a couch
Make sure your body is getting all the vitamins and nutrients that it needs to keep your immune system strong and avoid falling ill.  (iStock)

Moringa contains a variety of nutrients that can enhance your immune system and assist your body in combating illness.

Jones explained that the product is rich in vitamins C, A, and E, as well as calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus, which are all nutrients that many people lack.

If you want younger-looking skin, moringa could help you achieve your goal.

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Jones stated that we are all concerned about aging and how it affects our skin, and that the compounds within moringa can aid in skin care and anti-aging due to their anti-inflammatory properties, making them a promising option.

The supplement moringa is available in various forms, such as pills, powder, oils, and skincare products like body butter and serum, giving consumers numerous ways to incorporate it into their routines.

A woman looking in the mirror
Moringa's anti-aging properties could lead to healthier, younger-looking skin. (iStock)

Experts recommend combining supplements like moringa with a proper diet and exercise for optimal anti-aging results.

High cholesterol can pose danger to the body.

You can enhance your cholesterol levels by implementing various lifestyle modifications, such as abstaining from smoking and consuming foods that are high in saturated and trans fats.

According to Jones, moringa has been proven to enhance cholesterol levels in the body, thanks to the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants it contains that promote overall heart health.

According to Jones, moringa is believed to help balance blood sugar levels, which can help manage diabetes in addition to improving cholesterol levels.

Before incorporating moringa into your diet for any potential health benefits, it is important to consult with your doctor first.

"Always consult with your doctor before taking any supplements to ensure it doesn't conflict with any medications you're currently taking."

by Ashlyn Messier


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