Experts caution that obesity poses a risk to dogs; here's how to assist your overweight pooch in shedding pounds.

Veterinarians offer advice on maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

Experts caution that obesity poses a risk to dogs; here's how to assist your overweight pooch in shedding pounds.
Experts caution that obesity poses a risk to dogs; here's how to assist your overweight pooch in shedding pounds.

Veterinary experts claim that dogs, like humans, experience the need to lose excess weight.

Over the past two decades, pet obesity rates have increased in the U.S., with 59% of dogs being classified as overweight or obese in 2022, as stated in a report from the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention.

According to the report, obesity can decrease a dog's lifespan, cause discomfort, and increase the likelihood of developing conditions such as diabetes, skin problems, respiratory issues, kidney disease, osteoarthritis, and cancer.

So how to help your furry friend battle the bulge?

Several experts provided advice to Planet Chronicle Digital on how to help your pup lose weight.

Overweight dog
Pet obesity rates have been on the rise over the past two decades in the U.S., with 59% of dogs classified as overweight or obese in 2022. (iStock)

It is crucial to consult with your veterinarian if your dog is gaining weight, advised Dr. Jeffrey Krasnoff of Brookville Animal Hospital on Long Island, New York, to Planet Chronicle Digital.

Krasnoff advised that dogs with excess weight should be examined for medical conditions, including hypothyroidism and Cushing disease.

Linda Fiordiliso, an AKC judge and bulldog show competitor, prioritizes keeping her dogs fit and healthy.

She stated that the dog should appear toned, but not like Arnold Schwarzenegger, and that it's important to monitor its diet and exercise to achieve a healthy appearance.

It's crucial for dogs, regardless of their competitive status, to maintain a healthy weight, as advised by an AKC judge to Planet Chronicle Digital.

Advice for monitoring intake

Krasnoff stated that overweight problems in dogs are often due to overfeeding, and emphasized the importance of pet owners being responsible when it comes to feeding their dogs the right amount of food.

"Since dogs cannot open refrigerators, it is the owners who provide the food for their dogs."

"A lot of people give too many treats — and that’s how the dog gains weight, just like a person who eats too many snacks and then sits on the couch all day."

Krasnoff has found success with certain prescription diet foods, but only when the owner strictly follows the diet plan.

To keep her bulldogs feeling full with fewer calories, Fiordiliso adds frozen peas or string beans to their food.

Dog on scale
If your dog is gaining weight, it is important to see your veterinarian, experts agree. (iStock)

Lori Asprea, a licensed veterinary technician and assistant professor at Long Island University Post Veterinary Technology School, stated that there are numerous strategies to help dogs shed excess weight, beginning with determining the root cause of the additional calories.

Asprea suggested to Planet Chronicle Digital that the pet may be overfed at meals or given too many treats, as it could be due to kids or other family members giving out extra goodies or parts of their dinner.

The next step is to determine the pet’s caloric needs.

"Asprea advised that anyone seeking to help their pet lose weight should consult with their veterinarian to determine the pet's caloric needs. While there is a general formula, the veterinarian will take into account the pet's activity level, breed, health status, and goals to create a personalized plan."

Woman feeding dog
For best results, reduce a pet's daily intake gradually, veterinary experts suggest. "We never want the pet to be underfed or to have behavior and health changes from a drastic reduction in food," an expert said. (iStock)

It can be challenging to monitor a dog's feeding schedule in households with multiple individuals.

To monitor a pet's daily intake, Asprea suggests creating a plan to track the amount of food and treats consumed, including calorie counts, and comparing it with the recommended intake.

According to licensed veterinary technician Jacqueline Geary, some treats can be high in calories and contribute to weight gain in pets.

Replacing treats with a baby carrot can have an impact, according to Geary, who is also a faculty instructor at Long Island University Post Veterinary Technology Program in Brookville, New York.

Instead of giving a whole milk bone as a reward, she suggests dividing treats into smaller portions.

For best results, veterinary experts suggest reducing daily intake gradually.

"With overweight pets, just like people, we start small and make gradual changes to daily activities."

Asprea stated that we must ensure the pet does not experience underfeeding or any behavioral or health changes resulting from a sudden decrease in food.

Your veterinarian can discuss low-calorie snack options and prescription diets that are both low in calories and high in fiber with you, allowing your pet to consume more while feeling satisfied, ultimately reducing their calorie intake.

Pet treat
One expert recommends breaking treats into smaller pieces rather than giving an entire milk bone for one reward. (iStock)

Experts advised against trying a human diet trend on pets.

Experts in the field of animal care have limited research to support the effectiveness of intermittent fasting in dogs.

Asprea stated that we do not employ that technique because the research findings were not conclusive, and more research is required to comprehend how intermittent fasting would affect our pets.

"It is not advisable to fast your pet unless it is necessary for medical reasons."

Tips for keeping dogs active

Experts agree that increasing activity levels not only helps pups lose weight but also improves their mental and physical health.

Asprea stated that the amount of time a pet is active is influenced by its health, age, temperament, and breed.

"It's crucial for pet owners to recognize their pets' unique requirements, as the saying "a tired pet is a good pet" emphasizes."

She emphasized that each animal, regardless of breed, can have unique characteristics.

Man running with dog
Increasing activity levels not only helps pups shed pounds, it boosts the animal's mental and physical health, experts agree. (iStock)

Asprea advised paying attention to how much they want to engage and whether they exhibit destructive behaviors due to boredom.

It is recommended to consult with a veterinarian before starting a new exercise routine for your furry companion.

Asprea advised Planet Chronicle Digital that when dealing with overweight pets, it's important to begin with small changes to daily activities to avoid overwhelming or stressing them physically.

One way to reduce stress on your dog's joints while still encouraging low-impact activity is to be mindful of the added weight caused by extra pounds.

"Asprea said that in her house, they play a game of hide and seek with dinner. She hides half the kibbles and gives the command to find them, which is both physically and mentally stimulating and helps get dinner done."

Dog food
It’s never a good idea to try a human diet trend on your pet, veterinary experts emphasized. (iStock)

To increase the dog's activity level and burn calories for both the pet and the owner, Fiordiliso recommended going on more walks and playing with a ball.

If at-home tactics do not seem to work, veterinary experts suggest using other services, such as physical therapy for pets.

Veterinarians specializing in sports medicine and rehabilitation utilize specialized equipment such as underwater treadmills to assist pets in regaining mobility.

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