Do mental health experts warn of a real risk that suicide is contagious?

The reasons behind 'suicide clusters' and ways to prevent them

Do mental health experts warn of a real risk that suicide is contagious?
Do mental health experts warn of a real risk that suicide is contagious?

This narrative explores the topic of suicide. In case you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, kindly contact the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988 or 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

In 2022, over 49,000 individuals in the U.S. died by suicide, as reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

While most suicides are linked to mental health issues, there is evidence that the behavior can be "contagious," resulting in "suicide clusters."

The CDC defines suicide clusters as "a group of suicides or suicide attempts that occur closer together in time, space or both than would normally be expected in a community."

A licensed clinical social worker in Pennsylvania, Dr. Caroline Fenkel, who specializes in suicide prevention, stated that the act of suicide can have a contagion effect, particularly among young people.

Suicide contagion split
Although most suicides stem from mental health disorders, statistics show that the behavior can sometimes be "contagious," leading to "suicide clusters." (iStock)

Hearing about a suicide, especially someone close in age or from one's community, can make the option seem more accessible in times of distress, according to her.

"The greater the risk, the more sensational the details are shared."

Jennifer Kelman, a licensed clinical care social worker in Florida, states that up to 5% of youth suicides can be linked to contagion.

She told Planet Chronicle Digital that it's not always the case that everyone in a community experiences an increase, but rather those who are struggling with issues such as depression, anxiety, and overwhelming emotions.

5 possible reasons for suicide contagion

At Fox Chapel Psychological Services in Pennsylvania, Dr. Deborah Gilman, the owner and chief licensed psychologist, discussed four potential factors that may lead to suicide clusters.

1. Normalization

According to Gilman, when people become aware of suicides, it can lead to the normalization of the idea that it's a viable solution to problems.

Support group
Experts encourage people to talk openly and compassionately about mental health to help reduce the stigma. (iStock)

She told Planet Chronicle Digital that individuals frequently seek guidance from others on how to act.

"Observing others choosing suicide may lead them to believe it's socially acceptable or correct."

2. Copying or modeling

Gilman stated that some people might experience a sense of connection or empathy with the deceased and may mimic their actions.

"The suicide of a member in close-knit communities can trigger similar distress or behaviors among others in the same environment."

"The more the details are shared, especially in sensational ways, the greater the risk."

If someone has died by suicide, it may be more likely for individuals struggling with their own mental health to imitate their behavior, she said.

"The reason for this could be a feeling of despair or a desire to avoid their own suffering."

3. Social proof

According to Gilman, others' suicide choices may be perceived as a valid option by some people.

"If suicide is viewed as a positive outcome or a solution to problems, it may be reinforced and more likely to be imitated, according to social learning theory."

The impact of a celebrity or widely admired person's suicide can be disproportionate on those who look up to them, as this risk can escalate.

4. Vulnerability

Those with mental health struggles, particularly depression and anxiety, may be at a higher risk of having suicidal thoughts or behaviors, according to Gilman.

People facing challenging life situations, such as job loss, divorce, or financial difficulties, may be more vulnerable, she stated.

Sad woman
"Pulling away from friends, family or support groups can indicate that the survivor is struggling more than they can manage on their own," a mental health expert warned. (iStock)

5. Recency bias

Gilman stated that individuals often overstate the probability of events that are easily remembered.

"The publicity of a recent suicide may make the concept of suicide more prominent and easily considered in individuals' thoughts."

6 warning signs among survivors

Experts agreed that it's crucial to monitor indications of profound distress in those affected by suicide.

1. Increased suicidal thoughts

Immediate professional help is necessary if you are experiencing recurring or intensifying thoughts of suicide, advised Gilman.

"The survivor may experience an increase in thoughts about ending their life or making plans for it."

She stated that she sometimes feels overwhelmed and believes suicide is the only solution.

2. Feelings of being a burden

According to Thomas Banta, a clinical mental health counselor in Jeffersonville, Indiana, people expressing that they feel like a burden is a significant warning sign.

He told Planet Chronicle Digital that many individuals who attempt to end their lives believe they are helping those around them.

"When we hear that type of language, intervention is essential."

3. Inability to cope with daily life

Gilman stated that struggling to manage daily tasks may suggest that the emotional load is overwhelming and requires professional assistance.

grieving woman supported by man
"It's crucial to highlight help and hope, encouraging those who are struggling to seek support," a mental health expert said. (iStock)

Due to their emotional state, the survivor may face challenges in maintaining a job, managing household duties, or caring for themselves.

4. Risky behaviors

Mental health treatment is necessary if someone engages in unsafe or self-harming actions, according to experts.

As Gilman stated, the survivor may resort to physical self-harm, such as cutting or burning, as a way to cope with their emotional agony.

"Many people who try to end their lives feel they are doing the people around them a favor."

"They might engage in risky behaviors, such as reckless driving, unprotected sex, or substance abuse, which endangers their health and safety."

5. Severe mood or behavior changes

According to Gilman, significant changes in behavior or mood that affect a survivor's ability to function in everyday life can indicate that they require assistance.

The survivor may exhibit unusual behavior, such as becoming unusually aggressive, withdrawn, or apathetic, or displaying behavior that is significantly different from their "normal" demeanor.

Split image of man holding joint and two people drinking liquor
Participating in unsafe or self-harming actions is a serious sign that mental health treatment is needed, experts agree. (iStock)

6. Withdrawal from support systems

According to Gilman, withdrawing from friends, family, or support groups may suggest that the survivor is overwhelmed and needs more assistance than they can handle on their own.

The individual may shun social engagements, reject invitations, or distance themselves from those who typically provide assistance.

The signs aren’t always obvious, however, Banta noted.

He stated that we observe the opposite spectrum, where someone creates a plan and their mood improves because they feel like they have found an escape.

Preventing contagion after a suicide

To minimize the occurrence of "clusters" after a suicide, experts provided these recommendations.

1. Use careful communication

Fenkel emphasized the need for caution when discussing suicide in public.

"Reaching out for support is a sign of strength, not weakness."

The best way to prevent contagion is through responsible communication, she advised.

She stated that it is important to focus on the impact of suicide rather than discussing the specifics of the method used.

2. Offer support

Providing access to crisis resources can make vulnerable individuals feel supported and connected, according to Fenkel.

Parent with teen
The best way to prevent contagion is through responsible communication, an expert advised. "This includes limiting the specifics around the method of suicide and focusing on the impact of the loss." (iStock)

She emphasized the importance of emphasizing help and hope, motivating those in need to seek assistance, while acknowledging that many schools and communities offer mental health services for those experiencing grief.

Banta concurred, stating that intervention and increased care can stabilize individuals and foster a strong support system.

He emphasized the importance of public health communication, stating that it is crucial to inform people that treatment is effective and help is available.

3. Stop the stigma

Feelings of isolation and loneliness resulting from stigma can increase the risk of suicidal ideation, as Gilman cautioned.

If individuals feel safe discussing their mental health issues without fear of criticism, they are more likely to seek professional assistance, she pointed out.

Holding hands
"I have worked with many people who felt hopeless and that their lives would never improve, but then they did," a therapist told Planet Chronicle Digital. (iStock)

Fenkel agreed, encouraging people to talk openly and compassionately about mental health.

"If you're feeling suicidal, remember that help is available and seeking support is a display of courage, not vulnerability," she emphasized.

Suicide is a "fleeting state of mind," Banta pointed out.

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He stated that he had collaborated with numerous individuals who felt despair and believed their lives would always remain stagnant, but ultimately, they overcame their struggles.

"If you're facing difficulties and reading this, know that help is available. Don't lose hope."

by Melissa Rudy


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