Do I need to drink water even if I'm not feeling thirsty?

Dehydration Symptoms: Experts Reveal 5 Signs Beyond Thirst

Do I need to drink water even if I'm not feeling thirsty?
Do I need to drink water even if I'm not feeling thirsty?

Our bodies also exhibit other symptoms when dehydrated, such as fatigue and headaches.

Experts say that if you use or lose more fluid than you take in, it can affect your body's ability to function normally.

According to Cleveland Clinic, the body loses fluids and water through both sweating and urination.

Mike Sevilla, M.D., a family physician with Salem Family Care in Salem, Ohio, stated that your body loses water and fluid faster in warm and hot weather.

"If these fluids are not replaced, the body becomes dehydrated."

Woman running
Water is lost when you sweat, so if you’re engaging in vigorous activity and don't replace fluids, you can become dehydrated. (iStock)

Dehydration can be dangerous, particularly for vulnerable groups like young children and the elderly.

5 surprising symptoms of dehydration

Planet Chronicle Digital received information from doctors about symptoms of dehydration beyond just feeling thirsty.

1. Sweating

Dehydration may be indicated by excessive sweating.

Sweating can lead to dehydration if you don't replace fluids, as stated on Mayo Clinic's website.

Man coughing
Illness is an often overlooked cause of dehydration, often leading to a depletion of fluids. (iStock)

According to Dr. Lauren Fine, a board-certified dermatologist at Fine Dermatology in Chicago, we lose more water through perspiration in hot and humid conditions, which signals the brain that it needs water and causes the sensation of thirst.

2. Sickness

Dehydration can be caused by illness, particularly when there is excessive vomiting or diarrhea, which can quickly deplete the body of fluids, especially in younger people and older adults, according to Sevilla.

He warned that both fever and infection can result in dehydration, as fever causes you to sweat and lose fluid.

3. Fatigue

One of the initial signs of dehydration is fatigue.

girl lying on sofa
Fatigue is one of the early signs of dehydration, according to experts. (iStock)

Sevilla stated that people often disregard this symptom, assuming it's just fatigue, but it can eventually lead to dizziness and lightheadedness.

To combat fatigue, he suggests consuming beverages with electrolytes to increase energy levels.

4. Dark urine

According to, if your urine is amber- or honey-colored, or dark orange, it may suggest that your body isn't getting enough water.

According to Michael A Palese, M.D., chair of the Department of Urology at Mount Sinai in New York, if you're dehydrated and holding onto more of the actual water yourself, the urine will become darker and darker.

5. Skin changes

Dry skin can give the appearance of being dull and aged, with visible wrinkles as a result.

Woman with skin inflammation
Changes in the skin can be a symptom of dehydration, experts say. (iStock)

"Skin cells need water to survive," said Fine.

To maintain skin hydration, she advises consuming water during exercise, limiting caffeinated beverage intake, and increasing consumption of fruits, vegetables, and legumes.

When to seek medical attention

Without sufficient fluid intake, the longer dehydration worsens the symptoms, as Sevilla states.

The physician stated that severe dehydration can cause dizziness, confusion, an increased heart rate, and low blood pressure.

As the severity of dehydration increases, it becomes increasingly challenging for individuals to consume enough fluids to alleviate the condition.

hiospital room room IV pole
In cases of severe hydration, an individual may need to visit the hospital or emergency department to receive fluids via IV. (iStock)

In severe cases of dehydration, a person may require hospitalization or emergency treatment to receive fluids through an IV.

For more Health articles, visit www.Planet Chronicle/health

Both doctors highlighted the significance of taking preventative measures and consuming fluids containing electrolytes prior to engaging in physical activity or sports.

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