Designers Transform Hearing Aids into Stylish Accessories

Hearing loss is no longer a source of shame thanks to fashionable hearing aids, according to experts.

Designers Transform Hearing Aids into Stylish Accessories
Designers Transform Hearing Aids into Stylish Accessories

Grandparents' hearing aids were vastly different from today's advanced models.

Some designers have turned hearing devices into fashion statements by adding "bling," making them less necessary to conceal.

Several audiologists often recommend unique hearing aid accessories from independent vendors on Etsy, Instagram, and other websites to their patients.

There are various designs available, such as diamond-encrusted attachments, crystal or silver charms and chains, and even superhero charms for children.

Some vendors provide ear molds with vibrant colors and pearl clasps to enhance style.

DeafMetal USA
DeafMetal USA is an Indiana-based company that specializes in aesthetics in products for hearing loss (sample product shown above). Owner Jen Aslin (not pictured) said she hopes her work will help to erase the stigma surrounding hearing aids and hearing loss. (Jolene Broad Photography for DeafMetal USA)

Several vendors informed Planet Chronicle Digital that the jewelry is usually attached to a hearing aid through a clasp that hugs onto it.

Deafmetal USA, an Indiana-based designer company, states on its website that their chains and cuffs not only look stunning but also serve a functional purpose by keeping hearing aids from falling off the ear. These accessories are perfect for physically active individuals or sports enthusiasts.

Not your grandfather's hearing aids

When Suzannah Parker's daughter was three years old and needed hearing aids, the owner of Purple Cat Hearing Aid Charms in Colorado started designing charms and jewelry attachments for hearing aids.

Parker searched for ways to make hearing aids enjoyable for her daughter to prevent teasing from others.

"Parker shared with Planet Chronicle Digital how she created a safe method to hang earrings from the tubing of her aids, which her patient and audiologist's office loved. She was proud to show them off to strangers."

DeafMetal USA
Multiple audiologists told Planet Chronicle Digital that fashionable hearing aids may appeal to younger adults as hearing loss becomes more prevalent. (Jolene Broad Photography for DeafMetal USA)

Parker began making these attachments for other children and later launched her company.

She stated that she aimed to make wearing aids fun and proud for girls and boys, and potentially put an end to bullying.

Parker created accessories to secure hearing aids in place and connect to clothing if they dislodge.

"The charms are a doorway to the conversation about hearing aids and what they are."

She told Planet Chronicle Digital that her objective is for hearing devices to be viewed as commonly as glasses are.

Florida-based Nikki Seagraves, another designer, creates hearing aid charms to boost confidence and pride in wearers, as she told Planet Chronicle Digital.

"Whatnot and Wonder, a company launched by Seagraves, uses charms as a conversation starter about hearing aids while keeping the focus on fun," said Seagraves.

"It simplifies the process of inquiring about hearing aids for others, reducing their discomfort and misconceptions."

DeafMetal USA
"You don’t have to hide your hearing loss or your hearing aids — there are options now," an audiologist told Planet Chronicle Digital. (Jolene Broad Photography for DeafMetal USA)

Younger adults may increasingly prefer fashionable hearing aids as hearing loss becomes more common, according to multiple audiologists who spoke to Planet Chronicle Digital.

According to Dr. Tanya Linzalone, an audiologist on Long Island, New York, and an adjunct professor in the Speech and Communications Department at Long Island University in Brookville, New York, hearing loss is being detected in those in their 40s due to noise pollution.

Advances in Bluetooth technology could make hearing aids more appealing to younger adults, Linzalone said, in addition to fashionable designs.

Linzalone stated that they don't need to struggle with the device like their grandpa's volume wheel.

Dr. Leslie Rosenthal, director of speech and audiology and an audiologist at LIJ Northwell Health Hearing and Speech Center on Long Island, New York, stated that hearing loss can be socially isolating.

Rosenthal believes that hearing aids can serve as an accessory and that all patients should wear them with pride, regardless of their age.

DeafMetal USA
Hearing loss affects about 60.7 million Americans age 12 and older, and over 15% of adults 20 and older, according to a November report by the National Council on Aging. (Jolene Broad Photography)

There are now options for you to openly display your hearing loss and hearing aids.

Linzalone agreed that hearing aids have evolved a great deal over the decades.

"She shared with Planet Chronicle Digital that when she began her journey over 34 years ago, hearing aids were only available in skin or hair colors to make them less noticeable. However, today, they come in a variety of colors such as purple, fire engine red, neon green, and yellow."

Others have emphasized that hearing aids have significantly improved in terms of functionality and aesthetics.

Dr. Maria Pomponio, an audiologist at Stony Brook University Hospital in New York, told Planet Chronicle Digital that many hearing aids are now discreet and fashionable, similar to today's trendy headphones.

"We hope that aesthetic changes to hearing devices will help reduce the stigma associated with hearing loss and hearing aids."

According to a November report by the National Council on Aging, approximately 60.7 million Americans aged 12 and above and over 15% of adults aged 20 and above are affected by hearing loss.

Approximately 31% of individuals aged 65 and above and 40% of those aged 75 and above are affected by the condition.

Regardless of style preferences, experts recommend consulting with an audiologist to be properly fitted for a hearing aid device. (iStock)

Experts told Planet Chronicle Digital that one of the significant challenges in treating hearing loss is patients' failure to adhere to wearing a hearing aid.

Linzalone stated that if the item is not worn, it serves no purpose, but if enhancing its appearance is beneficial, then proceed.

According to Dr. Nancy Frye, a psychologist and professor of psychology at Long Island University in Brookville, New York, people have a fundamental need to belong.

People are hesitant to do things that may make them feel out of place with others, such as wearing a hearing aid, due to the stigma associated with it, according to her statement to Planet Chronicle Digital.

Frye noted that some individuals may choose to avoid conversations and minimize their hearing loss rather than draw attention to themselves.

Girl with hearing aid
Decorative hearing devices could satisfy an individual’s "need for uniqueness … as opposed to threatening their need to belong," while also fostering connections with others, a psychologist said. (iStock)

The psychologist stated that decorative hearing devices could fulfill an individual's desire for uniqueness without jeopardizing their need to belong, while also promoting social connections.

Dr. Jamie Cluna, an audiologist at Stony Brook University Hospital, agreed that unaddressed hearing loss can lead to social withdrawal and isolation.

She informed Planet Chronicle Digital that older adults with hearing loss face a higher risk of depression, cognitive decline, falls, and dementia.

What to know when purchasing hearing aid accessories

It is crucial not to cover the microphone of a hearing aid when using charms or accessories, advised Dr. Ashutosh Kacker, an ear, nose and throat doctor at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City, and Dr. Haley Bruce, an audiologist at the same institution.

woman with hearing aid talks to family
For those who prefer more subtle hearing aids, audiologists said the devices are becoming more discreet and tech-savvy. (iStock)

Audiologists stated that the hearing aids are becoming more discreet and technologically advanced for those who prefer subtle ones.

Some can even be adjusted through a smartphone app.

It is advised to consult with an audiologist for proper fitting of hearing aid devices, regardless of one's style preferences.

According to Linzalone, an audiologist must communicate with their patients and conduct a lifestyle analysis to select the appropriate unit for them.

Different people may require varying types of aids despite having the same degree of hearing loss, she stated.

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