An Ohio healthcare company is currently seeking participants with autoimmune conditions for a groundbreaking research project.

AndHealth strives to demonstrate the effectiveness of its distinctive method in halting or reversing the advancement of certain chronic conditions.

An Ohio healthcare company is currently seeking participants with autoimmune conditions for a groundbreaking research project.
An Ohio healthcare company is currently seeking participants with autoimmune conditions for a groundbreaking research project.

Comprehensive treatment for people with psoriasis and RA can be a challenging and ongoing struggle. Accessing expensive medications and securing appointments with specialists can be difficult, while lifestyle factors that may exacerbate the diseases are often overlooked during clinician-patient discussions.

AndHealth, an Ohio-based healthcare company, is inviting patients with autoimmune conditions such as psoriasis and RA to participate in its innovative study, Project IMPACT, which aims to demonstrate that addressing underlying causes, such as nutrition, stress, or sleep, alongside conventional treatments like biologic medications, can stop or reverse the progression of these conditions.

Dr. Myles Spar, AndHealth’s National Medical Director and certified in both internal and integrative medicine, states that insurance often does not reimburse for the time spent discussing with patients how they can participate in their own care and incorporate lifestyle changes, despite the scientific evidence supporting these practices.

Project IMPACT's approach to care is unique in that it takes a whole-person perspective, considering the social, physical, and financial challenges that patients may face in accessing care. This approach involves connecting patients with coordinated, culturally competent primary and specialty care.

Patients in Project IMPACT receive a personalized care plan developed by experts, including specialists, dietitians, pharmacists, and health coaches, after their initial virtual consultation with a provider. Depending on their health status, goals, and readiness for change, patients may also receive medications, lab testing, meal delivery, supplements, and wearable health tracking devices at no cost to them.

An Ohio healthcare company is currently seeking participants with autoimmune conditions for a groundbreaking research project.

Unlike clinical trials, this study is observational, allowing participants to receive the support they desire in the manner they prefer. The focus is on analyzing the availability of treatment options rather than testing each path. Participants are not required to follow a specific sequence of steps; instead, they have the freedom to choose their own path from the available options.

Those seeking to work with a health coach can discover which lifestyle adjustments, such as cutting back on sugar or incorporating an evening walk, can have the greatest impact on their symptoms. They can then use an app to connect with their coach for guidance in implementing these changes.

"The number of touchpoints we have with patients per week is remarkable because even I, as a patient, wouldn't bother my doctor with minor issues. However, if a health coach encourages patients to bug them, they are more likely to report their daily activities, such as meditation, exercise, and healthy choices. This makes the coach appear more approachable and supportive."

The company believes that patients can improve a condition they think will worsen if they have the right tools, team, and knowledge.

Spar says that being told that there is something you can do to regain control after being diagnosed with a condition that has limited your life and was not your choice is empowering.

Phyllis, a 60-year-old in Mansfield, Ohio, had RA that prevented her from doing what she loved, such as visiting her relatives' homes to play cards or going to a venue to dance two-step. She lost interest in socializing with her friends and family because she hurt most of the time. Outside of church, she stayed in bed all day.

Through Project IMPACT, Phyllis collaborated with a physician who appeared to genuinely care and a health coach who encouraged her to consume more fruits and vegetables while reducing her sugar intake. In a short period, she experienced an increase in energy and a decrease in pain. She exclaims, "I felt revitalized!"

Traditional healthcare is unresponsive if you can't make it to the clinic. If you don't reschedule, it doesn't matter. With this team, they try to understand why you can't make it and then find a solution to fix it.

Individuals aged 21 and above in Ohio and Indiana who require specialty medications for psoriasis or RA are invited to join Project IMPACT. To learn more or determine eligibility, visit or email [email protected].

"The thrilling aspect," Spar remarks, "is that you are contributing to advancing this field and expanding the evidence supporting the effectiveness of a whole-person specialty care approach."


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