After the California music festival, a Valley Fever outbreak was reported by health officials, who identified the 'hotspot'.

Some patients may experience severe respiratory symptoms and life-threatening complications from lung infections.

After the California music festival, a Valley Fever outbreak was reported by health officials, who identified the 'hotspot'.
After the California music festival, a Valley Fever outbreak was reported by health officials, who identified the 'hotspot'.

An outdoor music festival near Bakersfield, California, has resulted in several people contracting Valley fever, as per a statement from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH).

A lung infection known as valley fever (coccidioidomycosis) results from inhaling a soil-based fungus present in California and certain southwestern U.S. regions.

The CDPH reported that three of the five patients who attended the Lightning in a Bottle music festival have been hospitalized with the infection.

Over 20,000 individuals were present at the festival, which took place at Buena Vista Lake from May 22 to May 27.

Health officials warned of the possibility of new cases emerging among festival-goers.

Music festival
Several people have contracted Valley fever following an outdoor music festival near Bakersfield, California (not pictured). (iStock)

Those who attended the festival or visited Kern County and are experiencing symptoms should see a doctor and inquire about testing for the infection, according to the CDPH.

The CDPH stated that although the event happened two months ago and mild cases of Valley fever may have already resolved, patients with more long-term or severe disease may still be symptomatic or undiagnosed.

It is "desperately difficult" to predict when and where someone may be exposed to Valley Fever, according to Tom Langdon Hill, director of training for the CCHS Foundation in Tucson, Arizona, which provides free training on the medical needs of the homeless.

According to Hill, the outbreak linked to the Lightning in a Bottle music festival occurred in an area known for Valley Fever, resulting in 34 deaths in 2022 alone.

coughing at night
Symptoms typically include cough, fatigue, fever, trouble breathing and chest pain. They usually begin within one to three weeks of infection. (iStock)

"A recent study suggests that wildfires may also be a possible source for the spread of Valley Fever, in addition to exposure to dust."

Symptoms and transmission

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), while most individuals who encounter the fungus do not become ill, approximately 40% will experience respiratory symptoms.

Typically, symptoms such as cough, fatigue, fever, difficulty breathing, and chest pain appear one to three weeks after infection.

From 2018 to 2022, California recorded between 7,000 and 9,000 cases of Valley fever each year.

The CDC stated that approximately 5% to 10% of people with Valley fever may develop complications, including serious lung problems.

Disseminated disease can occur in around 1% of people, where the infection spreads to other parts of the body like skin, joints, bones, or brain.

The CDC stated that the infection does not transmit from individuals to others or between individuals and animals.

Doctor with needle
While there is not yet a vaccine for Valley fever, three vaccines are currently in development. (iStock)

The health department has observed an increase in the occurrence of valley fever in California.

Between 2014 and 2018, the number of cases tripled. From 2018 to 2022, the state recorded between 7,000 and 9,000 cases per year.

The San Joaquin Valley and Central Coast areas are where it is most common.

The CDC states that areas with high dust exposure, such as construction, archaeology, farming, and military training, pose a greater risk.

Homeless populations are also at a higher risk, according to Hill.

San Francisco homelessness
Homeless populations are also at a higher risk for Valley fever, according to experts. (Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

According to Hill, who spoke to Planet Chronicle Digital, the homeless spend significantly more time in the presence of dust and smoke from wildfires.

"Those on the streets are more likely to contract Valley fever and experience severe complications from the disease."

Is a nationwide spread possible?

In 2023, Dr. George Thompson, a professor at UC Davis Health and co-director of the Center for Valley fever in Sacramento, shared with Planet Chronicle Digital that there has been a surge in cases of the disease over the past few years.

Over the past five years, there has been a steady rise in cases, and more patients are seeking diagnosis and treatment at our clinic, as stated by him.

A study published in GeoHealth in 2019 proposed that climate change could cause an expansion of Valley fever into northwestern states, including Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota.

"Initially, I was doubtful," stated Dr. Thompson from California. "However, with the recent emergence of new cases in Nebraska and Missouri, I believe it's plausible."

Construction digging
Certain areas with high dust exposure present a greater risk. Those include places where construction, archaeology, farming or military training occur, per the CDC. (iStock)

The study predicts that valley fever cases will occur in northern Utah and eastern Colorado by 2035, and the disease will become endemic in several states by 2065.

A study by Daniel Q. Tong at George Mason University found that dust storms in the Southwest have increased by 240% between the 1990s and 2000s, followed by an 800% increase in Valley fever cases between 2001 and 2011.

Treatment and prevention

A blood test can confirm a current or prior infection of Valley fever, while a chest X-ray or CT scan can detect cases of pneumonia, according to the CDC.

Antifungal medications such as Fluconazole and Itraconazole are typically used to treat Valley fever. (iStock)

Typically, medications like Fluconazole and Itraconazole are used to treat Valley fever with antifungal properties.

Currently, there is no vaccine for Valley fever, but three vaccines are being developed, including one that has been successfully tested on dogs.

The National Institutes of Health's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases recently allocated $4.5 million to finance research on diagnostics, treatments, and vaccines for the disease.

The CDC notes that certain groups are more vulnerable.

Individuals aged 60 and above, those with weakened immune systems due to illnesses or health conditions, pregnant women, people with diabetes, and Black or Filipino individuals are at a higher risk of contracting COVID-19.

Elderly man sick
Certain groups are more vulnerable, including people 60 years of age and older, or those who have weakened immune systems as a result of certain diseases or medical conditions. (iStock)

High-risk individuals should avoid construction sites and areas where soil is frequently disturbed.

Wearing an N95 respirator mask can help reduce exposure to dust in dusty areas.

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Early diagnosis and treatment is important, doctors advise.

The organizers of the music festival and the CDPH were contacted by Planet Chronicle Digital for comment.

by Melissa Rudy


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