A new report has pinpointed the top three factors contributing to rising suicide rates on World Suicide Prevention Day.

In 2022, the CDC reported that approximately 49,000 individuals took their own lives in the US.

A new report has pinpointed the top three factors contributing to rising suicide rates on World Suicide Prevention Day.
A new report has pinpointed the top three factors contributing to rising suicide rates on World Suicide Prevention Day.

This narrative explores the topic of suicide. In case you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, kindly contact the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988 or 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

In 2022, approximately 49,000 individuals in the U.S. chose to end their lives through suicide, making it a leading cause of death.

According to a report released on World Suicide Prevention Day by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide is a major public health concern in the United States.

Three county-level factors that contributed to suicide rates were emphasized in the report: health insurance coverage, household broadband internet access, and household income.

The report found that counties with higher levels of health insurance coverage, broadband internet access, and household income had lower suicide rates compared to counties with lower levels of these factors.

Suicide split
Suicide continues to be a leading cause of death in the U.S., with approximately 49,000 people taking their own lives in 2022. (iStock)

The CDC reports that non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native individuals, males, and rural residents had the highest suicide rates.

"It might feel uncomfortable to act on potential warning signs, but in reality, it is courageous and can save a life."

Data for the report was pulled from the 2022 National Vital Statistics System.

Planet Chronicle Digital reached out to the CDC for comment.

Warning signs to know

The most effective way to prevent suicide is by frequently checking in on loved ones and comprehending their emotional state, as stated by Cara McNulty, the Minneapolis-based president of behavioral health and mental well-being at CVS Health.

According to McNulty, by observing any changes in mental health, you can provide support before the onset of suicide.

CDC logo
On World Suicide Prevention Day, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, released a report identifying the top three factors driving suicide rates. (REUTERS/Tami Chappell/File Photo)

"Individuals with pre-existing mental health conditions, including depression, substance-use disorder, anxiety, or psychosis, have a higher likelihood of attempting suicide."

Eating disorders, trauma, and personality-related disorders are other risk factors for suicidal thoughts, McNulty cautioned.

She emphasized that while mental illness can contribute to suicidal thoughts, it's the combination of distress from these conditions and life challenges that ultimately leads to such feelings and behaviors.

The expert pointed out that environmental factors such as prolonged stress, life-altering events, a family history of mental health issues or suicide can increase the likelihood of suicidal tendencies.

Struggling to sleep man
Environmental factors such as prolonged stress and life-altering events, as well as a family history of mental health issues or suicide, can contribute to suicidal tendencies. (iStock)

According to McNulty, some indications that a loved one may be contemplating suicide are expressing a sense of emptiness or stating that they would be better off dead, increasing their consumption of alcohol or drugs, or bidding farewell to family and friends.

She stated that if you hear any of the mentioned sounds, it is necessary to seek assistance.

"Acting on potential warning signs may feel uncomfortable, but in reality, it takes courage and can save a life."

Dr. Ryan Sultan, a board-certified psychiatrist, research professor at Columbia University in New York, and medical director of Integrative Psych NYC, pointed out that suicidal ideation isn't a clear-cut concept but rather a spectrum.

Even passive thoughts about suicide should never be dismissed, as they can lead to more severe plans or intentions to commit suicide, according to what he previously told Planet Chronicle Digital.

Fatigued woman
"Every expression or hint of suicidal ideation, no matter how seemingly benign, warrants attention, understanding and appropriate intervention," a mental health expert said. (iStock)

He stated that such thoughts, although not resulting in action, are concerning and should raise yellow or red flags for both the individual and those around them.

"Any indication of suicidal thoughts, no matter how small, requires attention, understanding, and appropriate intervention."

Debunking myths about suicide

McNulty stated that a common misconception is that discussing suicide with individuals in crisis will encourage them to act on it.

"Open and honest conversations can foster healthy relationships and alleviate feelings of isolation for those struggling," she stated.

"It's not just about recognizing the signs — it's about feeling empowered to act upon them."

McNulty pointed out that people often mistakenly think that suicide cannot be prevented.

Discussing warning signs and connecting people in need to resources can help reduce suicide rates nationwide, even though suicide may seem complex and stopping an attempt may seem impossible, she said.

McNulty stated that most individuals with suicidal thoughts or plans are highly ambivalent and are motivated by unbearable suffering.

"Helping someone access professional care can often be the turning point. Most individuals do not wish to pass away; rather, they seek an end to their suffering."

Therapy support
The best mode of suicide prevention is to check in on loved ones regularly and understand how they are doing, an expert said. (iStock)

To "bridge the gap" between suicide awareness and prevention, Sultan advocates for enhanced education, open dialogue, and greater access to resources.

""Empowering action is crucial in addressing the increasing suicidal ideation among our youth," he emphasized."

For more Health articles, visit planetchronicle.net/health.

If someone displays indications of wanting to take their own life, it is advised to seek help immediately by contacting or texting 988 or visiting 988lifeline.org.

CVSHealth.com provides mental health resources, including guides, podcasts, and trainings, tailored to the specific needs of various populations.

by Melissa Rudy


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