A 26-year-old man had a Lego piece stuck in his nose, and he also experienced 'vaccine fatigue' and superbug warnings.

Top Planet Chronicle Health Stories and Videos from the Past Week

A 26-year-old man had a Lego piece stuck in his nose, and he also experienced 'vaccine fatigue' and superbug warnings.
A 26-year-old man had a Lego piece stuck in his nose, and he also experienced 'vaccine fatigue' and superbug warnings.

An Arizona man had a Lego lodged in his nose for nearly three decades, which he eventually blew out.

Experts suggest five treatments that may slow or prevent balding and hair loss.

Tens of millions of people could die from drug-resistant infections by 2050, according to a large study. Here's what you need to know. Continue reading...

Bacteria petri dish
Resistance to antibiotics has led to one million worldwide deaths each year since 1990, for a total of 36 million, statistics show. (iStock)

Do suicide clusters cause mental health experts to question the contagious nature of suicide?

Stanford researchers have discovered that aging occurs "massively" at two specific points in a person's lifetime. Learn more about these findings here.

Unwind and relax with these 10 fragrant fall candles.

COVID and flu shot avoidance: Why approximately half of Americans will choose to skip vaccinations this year.

COVID vaccine refusal
A growing number of U.S. adults are hesitant to get recommended vaccines this fall, a new survey found. (iStock)

A Michigan woman with leukemia received the first-ever bone marrow transplant from a deceased organ donor, which doctors believe could improve patient outcomes.

Shrine Children's Hospital in Boston is cautioning parents about the dangers of following a popular recipe on social media that can cause harm to children.

DOCTORS ANSWER – "Does smartphone exposure cause brain cancer?"

Phone brain cancer split
A neurosurgeon (not pictured) addressed concerns about smartphones and cancer risk in a conversation with Planet Chronicle Digital. (iStock)



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The optimal time for flu shot scheduling.

The optimal time for flu shot scheduling.

Studies indicate that consuming soy milk may lower the likelihood of developing heart disease.

Studies indicate that consuming soy milk may lower the likelihood of developing heart disease.

A deceased organ donor provides the first-ever bone marrow transplant to a leukemia patient.

A deceased organ donor provides the first-ever bone marrow transplant to a leukemia patient.

Microwave use results in severe burns in children attempting to make TikTok-famous 'glass fruit'

Microwave use results in severe burns in children attempting to make TikTok-famous 'glass fruit'

Approximately half of Americans are expected to forgo COVID-19 and flu vaccinations this year due to vaccine fatigue.

Approximately half of Americans are expected to forgo COVID-19 and flu vaccinations this year due to vaccine fatigue.

51 motivational sayings to keep you going through difficult moments

51 motivational sayings to keep you going through difficult moments

A certain protein in the brain could potentially slow down Alzheimer's disease, according to researchers.

A certain protein in the brain could potentially slow down Alzheimer's disease, according to researchers.

Rare blood cancer, multiple myeloma, has been diagnosed in Bruce Springsteen's wife, bringing attention to the illness.

Rare blood cancer, multiple myeloma, has been diagnosed in Bruce Springsteen's wife, bringing attention to the illness.

'Can smartphone exposure lead to brain cancer?': Consult a medical professional.

'Can smartphone exposure lead to brain cancer?': Consult a medical professional.

Two points in one's lifetime cause a 'massive' increase in aging, according to a Stanford study: 'Abrupt changes'

Two points in one's lifetime cause a 'massive' increase in aging, according to a Stanford study: 'Abrupt changes'

Experts suggest that these 5 balding and hair loss treatments can promote a healthy scalp.

Experts suggest that these 5 balding and hair loss treatments can promote a healthy scalp.

Early trials show that a dual-action weight-loss pill can help individuals lose 13% of their body weight in just three months.

Early trials show that a dual-action weight-loss pill can help individuals lose 13% of their body weight in just three months.

After three decades, an Arizona man finally blows a Lego out of his nose, saying, "I can breathe now."

After three decades, an Arizona man finally blows a Lego out of his nose, saying, "I can breathe now."

A study has found that children who have less sleep are at a higher risk of using drugs and alcohol in the future.

A study has found that children who have less sleep are at a higher risk of using drugs and alcohol in the future.

A new study has found that the impact of COVID pandemic restrictions on teenagers' brains was 'alarming'.

A new study has found that the impact of COVID pandemic restrictions on teenagers' brains was 'alarming'.

A new report has pinpointed the top three factors contributing to rising suicide rates on World Suicide Prevention Day.

A new report has pinpointed the top three factors contributing to rising suicide rates on World Suicide Prevention Day.
