Jennifer Griffin,Liz Friden

Review finds that some Havana Syndrome patients were coerced, leading to study halt.

Review finds that some Havana Syndrome patients were coerced, leading to study halt.

After mishandling data, Havana Syndrome study is shut down.

After mishandling data, Havana Syndrome study is shut down.

Army Special Forces residence in North Carolina: Questions raised by mysterious shooting

Army Special Forces residence in North Carolina: Questions raised by mysterious shooting

No evidence suggests that Marine snipers witnessed the Abbey Gate suicide bomber prior to the attack.

No evidence suggests that Marine snipers witnessed the Abbey Gate suicide bomber prior to the attack.

Recent research indicates that the cause of Havana Syndrome may be linked to Russia.

Recent research indicates that the cause of Havana Syndrome may be linked to Russia.

New evidence suggests that Russia is responsible for the occurrence of Havana Syndrome.

New evidence suggests that Russia is responsible for the occurrence of Havana Syndrome.
