Early research suggests that listening to 'pink noise' may enhance both sleep and memory.

Research suggests that color noises may have benefits for individuals with ADHD and tinnitus, although the science behind this phenomenon is still being studied.

Early research suggests that listening to 'pink noise' may enhance both sleep and memory.
Early research suggests that listening to 'pink noise' may enhance both sleep and memory.
  • White noise is being increasingly replaced by pink noise, brown noise, and other colorful variations for relaxation purposes.
  • Pink noise, which has a lower pitch and resembles natural sounds such as rain or ocean waves, is particularly noticeable.
  • Research suggests that the science behind color noises is still developing, but there may be benefits for individuals with ADHD and tinnitus.

White noise has been commonly used to cover up background sounds, but now it faces competition from colorful alternatives.

The use of pink noise, brown noise, and green noise is becoming increasingly popular, and research is being conducted on their potential benefits for sleep, focus, and relaxation.

Despite the limited scientific research on the topic, thousands of individuals have been drawn to listen to hours of these sounds on YouTube and meditation apps that offer a range of color noises for a fee.


Understanding pink noise requires first comprehending white, the most well-known of the sound colors.

White noise is akin to static on a radio or TV, with sound engineers defining it as having equal volume across all audible frequencies. The term originates from white light, which encompasses all visible color wavelengths.

Pink noise reduces the harshness of high-frequency white noise by lowering its pitch and making it sound more like natural sounds such as rain or the ocean.

Pink noise
Dr. Roneil Malkani shows an example of pink noise being used to enhance slow brainwaves during deep sleep at the Center for Circadian & Sleep Medicine at Northwestern Medicine in Chicago on May 16, 2024. (AP Photo/Laura Bargfeld)

The rumble of brown noise is even lower in pitch, making it pleasing and soothing.

Audio experts have standard definitions for pink and brown, which are similar to white, but other color noises are more recent inventions with more flexible meanings.


According to a recent review of limited ADHD studies, white noise and pink noise may offer small advantages for individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. As per ADHD researcher and co-author Joel Nigg of Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, in theory, these sounds stimulate the brain and help with focus.

Nigg stated that although the noise stimulates the brain without providing information, it does not distract.

Tinnitus can be treated with white noise.

Researchers at Northwestern University are investigating the effects of short bursts of pink noise on deep sleep brain waves. Preliminary studies suggest that pink-noise pulses may improve memory and relaxation.

According to Dr. Roneil Malkani, an assistant professor of neurology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, pink noise has a frequency profile that is "very similar to the distribution of brain wave frequencies we see in slow-wave sleep because these are large, slow waves."

If Northwestern's research succeeds, it could result in a medical device that enhances sleep or memory through customized pink noise pulses. However, many scientific mysteries remain unsolved, as Malkani stated. "We still have a lot of work to accomplish."


If listening to color noises helps you focus and reduces distractions, it makes sense to use them. However, it's important to keep the volume at a low level to prevent hearing damage and take breaks to rest your ears, advised Nigg.


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